What’s a ternary, Ric? When I googled it I found this, and I don’t see Base 3 worth Patriots fighting for ter·na·ry /ˈtərnərē/ adjective composed of three parts. MATHEMATICS using three as a base.
I disagree with your premise. You didn’t follow the entire thread of our interaction. It’s likely because you are in a multiplayer cage match on this site and can’t remember who is a “comrade”. You implied that it was some school board people making a decision and not the local people. How is it not local for the kids in the actual school to decide on “Bears”?
your logic: Warden: “Prisoner Johnson, you have been sentenced to death. Hanging or firing squad?” Prisoner Johnson: “firing squad!” Press: “when is Prisoner Johnson getting released?” Warden: “he’s not, he asked us to shot him.”
I never claimed anyone would be broke. Go woke, go broke is a slogan, not a prediction to be taken literally. If you don’t think $250,000 of school resources couldn’t be better spent on actual education, then you must be a product of the education your support is creating. It shows.
it actually is. 3 or 4 school board members voted this in, not the school children. You are trying to equate the decision of the kids to choose between different mascots after the decision was floated/made, with actually making the decision itself. You failed.
I agree this is really stupid. However unlike you I really don’t care that much and such minor acts of stupidity don’t cause me to desire an authoritarian state to correct such matters.
the dumbasses running the school board went woke, society itself went broke, not only financially but also emotionally, spiritually, metaphysically and morally. Especially the kids in that school, who all could have been provided a new laptop for studies in lieu of wasting money on social Justice nonsense. not a single child will receive an educational benefit in this move.
I not losing sleep over some stupid school board in a shithole state. I’m pissed because this type of wasteful spending is happening all over. Our Schools are failing, and crap like this is exacerbating the problem.
You gotta think bigger and more offensive if you want to get spending under control, maybe you can brainstorm some ideas for us, no wrong answers here