BUT we can't have innocent school girls being forced to parade around campus as transgender "minutemen". This is the type of thing that DeSantis preaches and has based his presidential hopes upon. Let's support his ideas on this.
DeSantis couldn't disagree with you more. Books are "just words",.too, and it's super important to ban books that use the wrong words.
Seems reasonable to me. Why have a dumb nickname? Alabama should be next. Nothing dumber than red tide.
ok, let’s use your logic here. The school board was elected, therefore STFU. well, Desantis was elected too. So you and all you comrades can STFU about book banning, don’t say gay, Disney, etc. Deal?
yeah, that is the way to spend public funds. The $520 billion of California debt could use some more weight. It’s not like San Francisco right down the road doesn’t have a small drug/crime/homeless problem. SMH.
Putz, how clever. Your arguments about CA debt and SF are irrelevant. Weak ass attempt to distract from the the silly claim it will break them.
Thing is I don’t think anyone is upset The school board wanted the name changed because of fairly liberal viewpoints.. it costs a lot of money but it’s there money… The op started the thread basically laughing at them for spending good money on a dumb pursuit.. I don’t think anyone is mad about the name change. That narrative is being pushed by certain posters seemingly in order to make more of this than it really is.
Exactly! In Florida, high school girls would have to be called the Minutegirls to accurately reflect their pronoun. Good catch!
If This was the Den, I would offer some to the humor so many pay for And wait for over there. But, too many free riding cheapskates here!
Hard to take this seriously given the amount Florida has spent in lawsuits defending its unwoke laws and fight with Disney