If he changed the voting laws during an elections cycle I'll bet someone is going to file a lawsuit against him. I believe the Georgia Supreme Court just gave it's residents standing in possible lawsuits involving voting...
You are good at cutting and splicing to create a false narrative like the media. Sad you are not able to watch the whole speech and understand the context. The worst part is you flat inject a word to build in the lie you believe. Propaganda is powerful. And you are a definition of how it controls people.
Are you really that obtuse? I thought you were smarter. Why don’t you look up when qanon became a thing. Then look up when I joined the site. Then maybe lookup a few others who were ignorant enough not to realize my last name starts with the letter Q. You as well define how powerful propaganda can be as you were too stupid to figure out I have had my screen name for well over a decade before qanon was ever a thing. Stop fooling yourself. Educate yourself and stop living in hate. It is sad you are this ignorant! And sadly propaganda controls those who are ignorant. The media has you so obsessed with qanon you think a fellow Gator has something to do with it just because they have had Q in their screen name . A Q from long before qanon was a thing and from the very beginning when they joined gator Country. SHM! The absolute ignorance!
The fact you think this committee was bipartisan because two people had an R behind their name shows how controlled you are. You should want a R that has an opposing view to yours. But you prefer to be controlled by propaganda sadly…
These…absolutely! Sadly there are DAs out there that are able to push BS. Unfortunate reality of our system. We are about to waste tax payer dollars so you can follow like a sheep…
There is nothing showing he broke the law or invited anything… If you provide in context something showing otherwise. It would be important!
Every single indictment shows rather clearly that he broke the law. You live in a backwater fantasyland.
If you won’t read the evidence, won’t read the charges, won’t read the testimony, then yea, I guess under your rule book, there’s nothing showing he broke the law.
Unlike you. I am not going to attach a fringe group to someone to make confirm my bias. If we want to play your game. A lot more damage was done in cities across the country by left leaning fringe groups.
I have yet to see anything reported that suggests anything illegal happened other than he has been indicted. The timing is beyond suspicious. If you can show the evidence the DA has. Let’s see it. I don’t think they have it. Could be wrong.
Why don’t you provide the proof? Oh that is right. You are a guilty until proven innocent guy aren’t you?
Well, at least we can agree that you have elected not to read the indictments, or any of the publicly available evidence. And with that, I am sure you can appreciate why your admission that you “have yet to see anything reported that suggests anything illegal happened,” carries such little weight in this debate.
You owe me $20.00. I sent you the evidence. I made it easy for you. I linked it. Just because you won’t read it doesn’t make it disappear.