Let’s be clear about those who excuse Trump for January 6. They are incapable of seeing that what he did was wrong. It isn’t intellectual capacity. It is their moral compass excuses anything he does. You are going to get nowhere.
You need to go relive the day and reality. His speech was an almost hour walk from the Capitol. He did not once call for anyone to do anything but peacefully make their point. You clearly did not listen to the speech and clearly don’t know the timeline as the unfortunate events began happening at the Capitol during his speech. I suggest you try to actually look at it objectively without your hatred to Trump.
Please tell us what he did that was wrong. What in the speech was wrong. And don’t use the cuts and splices that are used to create a false narrative and indoctrinated s o many like you apparently. The people that crossed the line did not listen to what he said. The whole thing started before the speech ended.
Cool. You understand it is the proud boys and not Trump. How about you start acknowledging it was a fringe group just like it was across America when the riots were happening in our cities?!
I thought the WSJ nailed the wrongness. Opinion | Donald Trump’s Final Days In concise summary, on Wednesday the leader of the executive branch incited a crowd to march on the legislative branch. The express goal was to demand that Congress and Vice President Mike Pence reject electors from enough states to deny Mr. Biden an Electoral College victory. When some in the crowd turned violent and occupied the Capitol, the President caviled and declined for far too long to call them off. When he did speak, he hedged his plea with election complaint.
I would be fine with a Biden pardon if he admitted fault and agreed to never run for office again but trump lies about everything he would make the deal and renege immediately
The first line of this opinion price is the exact false narrative being pushed by the media. The speech did not incite anything. Go watch it. The craziness started during the speech. Here is the speech for you to watch…
This committee sought a specific answer. They were not interested in the truth. Now if it was truly bipartisan. Different situation. But spare me the two pubs made this bipartisan. It was as partisan as it gets.
1:10:35 incite verb in·cite in-ˈsīt incited; inciting Synonyms of incite transitive verb : to move to action : stir up : spur on : urge on incitant in-ˈsī-tᵊnt noun incitement in-ˈsīt-mənt noun inciter noun
I haven't had much of a chance to delve into the testimony, but if it's anything like the evidence Fulton County has produced for this indictment, it's a joke. There are 12 tweets by Trump cited by the DA. None of them are illegal in any way. He has every right to express his opinion and to rally support as a political figure. Even if Trump is 100% wrong about what he claims, he's still protected. The SCOTUS long ago ruled that a politician cannot be held accountable for telling a lie to gain office or win a re-election. The obvious: all politicians lie, so they would all be impeached if they were held to such a standard. But if this is their evidence, Fulton County is going to lose. The presentation and handling of the indictments is extremely poor. And inevitably, the "evidence" will be extremely weak with a lot of the "co-conspirators" who were just trying to help a president litigate public opinion and the courts. That's not a crime. These indictments are a joke. https://thehill.com/regulation/cour...rump-tweets-listed-in-the-georgia-indictment/
You're very focused on the speech. It's just one of many factors between the election and Jan 6th, but if you ask me if I think he should be charged for anything related to his speech I would say no. Nor has he been charged for his speech. Do I think he should be charged for trying to change the election result? Absolutely. And he was. And I'll be celebrating when he gets convicted.
I have to keep asking: what's wrong with you? You're an adult, so why can't you READ? I have not convicted him because of the media. I listed all the reasons everyone with any firing synapses KNOWS he's guilty. I won't waste my time listing them again, because you'll just ignore them again. Says the guy who gets his only info from right wing propaganda networks. Have you read the indictments? Have you read the indictments? Have you read the indictments? Did you hear the recording of him committing felony election crime by telling the GA SoS to find him the votes to win? Have you read what Trump did to Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, or seen their videos, right from their mouths? Have you seen ANY of the Mike Pence VIDEOS where he confirms Trump's illegal pressure campaign? Did you seen the Roger Stone VIDEO where he lays out the plot to steal the election with the fake electors BEFORE THE ELECTION WAS EVEN OVER? Did you see the J6 video of Trump telling the mob to storm the Capitol? Did you read or see ANY of the MOUNTAINS of evidence presented at Trump's second impeachment trial or any of the J6 Committee hearings? Did you hear the tape of Trump showing off top-secret documents about the Iraq invasion plan to cronies at Mar-a-Lago? Did you see all the pictures of ALL the boxes of government documents he STOLE from DC the day he left the White House? Have you read the indictments? Have you read the indictments? Have you read the indictments? If not, then you are just running your mouth from the deepest depths of ignorance known to the world. That's jut the beginning of the evidence that PROVES Trump did all of this. You prove right now that you will not. You know damn well you're wrong already. WHEN he's convicted, you'll repeat whatever the MAGAnon talking points are to claim it was a "rigged trial". Just like you believe it was a "rigged election." He called for it over social media, he directed all his lackies (from Ghouliani to Bannon to that InfoWars fraud) to call for violence over mass media, and you're damn right he called for it on Jan 6. Literally EVERY one of the white supremacists who were prosecuted testified in court that they attacked the Capitol to stop the certification and overthrow the government because Trump told them to (their literal words, verbatim). But he's a practiced mobster, so he made sure to throw in the word "peacefully" ONCE in a sarcastic tone, so he could claim deniability. And so that people like you could pretend he didn't incite violence. That's why Smith didn't indict him on that, because he's got too much slam dunk evidence to bother with semantics of Trump's rhetoric of violence. History will record you like it records all of the MAGA dupes: as the cult that was fooled by the dumbest con man and the dumbest cons in history.
No way in hell any Democrat ever pardons him. Anyway we won't have to worry about that. Latest polling shows that over 65% of Americans would not vote for him after these indictments. Tons of republicans are in that %. Half the QOP candidates are going to be hammering him in the debate, and the other half will be defending him. And he will look like the coward he is for not showing up. Trump couldn't even get more votes than the most hated politician in the world. He lost by over 7M to Biden without 5+ indictments and without overturning Roe and without being found civilly "guilty" of sexual assault (and then ruled by a judge to be a rapist). Every election since Roe was shredded has shown that a huge chunk of republicans are done with this crap. Blood red states voting in landslides against QOP resolutions and bills. Trump will be beaten solidly. And if he is in jail or for any other reason doesn't get the nomination - if the QOP finally grows 2 or 3 vertebrae and eject him from the party to run 3rd party - whoever they put forth will make Mondale's effort look strong.
All the Congressional republicans not in the "Freedom Caucus" are praying for Trump to go to jail. They just refuse to do it because they want those white supremacist voters and the evangelical voters to stay with the party.
That's a good point. He's the kingpin because he has the NBC fame and has the cult, but they are the masterminds of this. Trump couldn't hatch a scheme to successfully knock over a lemonade stand.
I've been emersed in the news forever, and even deeper since the orange menace showed up. This is literally the only place in the world that I've ever seen this even mentioned as a gag.
And this is why the convictions will be so easy to get. He is on record so many times with witnesses that he knows he lost.