DeSantis needs to hire this guy as his debate coach. He’s currently the front runner in the race for el presidente of Argentina …
what a dork Trump's threatens to skip GOP primary debate over Fox News showing 'the absolutely worst pictures of me' including the big 'orange' one Former President Donald Trump on Thursday railed against Fox News for using "the absolutely worst pictures" of him including one where he appears orange with "my chin pulled way back." "Why doesn't Fox and Friends show all of the Polls where I am beating Biden, by a lot," Trump wrote on his social media platform, Truth. "They just won't do it! Also, they purposely show the absolutely worst pictures of me, especially the big 'orange' one with my chin pulled way back." Trump's threat is about more than just his own vanity. In the same message, he once again flirted with skipping the first GOP presidential primary debate that Fox is hosting in less than a week.
Possible DeSantis debate strategy . . . . . #1 - Brag about dictating what citizens can say, read and teach, in the name of "freedom", of course. #2 - Brag about punishing private businesses if they don't tow the line, even if they take their expansion plans or conventions elsewhere. #3 - Brag about removing duly elected prosecutors, without cause, if they don't tow the line. #4 - Brag about researching every way possible to impose your will on citizens. #5 - Explain that citizens should not believe what they see him do or hear him say. Despite appearances, he has no interest in becoming dictator.
#5 - follow big daddy's lead & skip it. The more folks get to know Reset Ron, the less they like him.
I notice you didn’t take the same pains to mock the poster who started the thread about a personal letter written in 1982 by a guy who was last in elected office six years ago.
This is a stupid strategy so I hope he employs it. Regardless I am a bit shocked (but not really) about how obviously grotesque this practice is of communicating with candidates. I’m sure it isnt a republican thing only from what I read. What a bought and paid for country we live in.
If Christie ate DeSantis I’d probably contribute to Christie’s campaign. It would definitely boost the debate ratings.
That calls for.....the Mother of All Investigations. We can't HAVE "vorters" being defrauded n this country.
It's a form of "Hail Mary". Meatball Ron is betting that Trump will eventually fade and that he is continuing to defend the Donald with the hope of picking up Trump's supporters who still constitute the majority of Republicans. Not going to happen. Trump's supporters worship the Donald as if he were the leader of a cult and to the extent that his support does fade the only effect in the Republican primaries will be a Trump victory by a smaller the margin, not the loss of enough support to leave a real opening for a competitor. Said it before the only question now is whether DeSantis follows in the footsteps of Scott Walker, a very popular governor and one time favorite for the 2016 Republican nomination whose star faded so rapidly that he dropped out of the race for the nomination before the first 2016 primary or Jeb Bush another 2-term Republican governor who was also once considered a favorite for the nomination and ended up dropping out after a couple of poor performances in the primaries.
It would be great to see the Republican candidates injected with truth serum before the debate. Can you imagine them all saying what they really think about Trump (or each other)? Of course, if Trump participates it would ruin the whole thing. The serum would have zero effect on him. He is totally immune to truth.