Pretty big change for the Florida grocery market. WD has been struggling for a long time. A combination of being in the dreaded middle ground - not as cheap at Walmart, not as nice as Publix. And also not being very well run. Bi-Lo bought it a few years ago, changed the company name to Southeastern Grocers. Operates WD and Harvey's. Aldi is German, known for lower prices and no frills. Some stores will remain WD, others will become Aldi. But WD stores have to be about four times the size of a typical Aldi, so no telling what the plans are. Aldi is buying 400 Winn-Dixie and Harveys supermarkets | CNN Business
Aldi is a husband's dream. Suddenly stopping for milk on the way home became quick and easy when Aldi showed up.
hallelujah! That's where we shop 90% of the time. Much cheaper and good products and without having to walk miles.
Aldi has been kind of hit or miss for me. I've bought some things that were sub-par but then some things that were very good for the money.
Tbh, I have no idea how Winn-Dixie survived this long. I've been to way too many Winn-Dixies, middle of the day and the parking lots empty. A good grocery chain has the opposite problem. The question is will Aldi go to the larger floor plan in acquiring these Winn-Dixies.
Winn Dixie has been terrible for years. I went into a store at 8:00 PM recently and they had every single checkout line shut down, and only allowed self check out. All I needed was a single item so I wasn't going to wait in the 10 person line. Publix for the win.
Same. At the one I went to most of the time, they always charged a quarter for a shopping cart. You get your quarter back when you return the cart. I always thought it was a hassle, but I've heard not all Aldi's have this and obviously that part of the business plan didn't hurt revenue.
I never said it was illegal... I said I was sick of it. And may of our national security businesses being sold off to the highest foreign bidder. By the way... even in the freest markets in the world have what's known as REGULATIONS.
Winn Dixie is not related to national security. It is a retail grocery chain. Aldi has done nothing except outcompete other companies in their industry. This is the benefit of capitalism, not it's cost.
I mostly stopped going to Publix after learning the Family heirs financed Trump's insurrection, so it's been Walmart and Winn Dixie for me. Most Winn Dixies are ancient dumps that haven't been updated in 50 years, but I think Sweet Bay merged with Winn Dixie some time ago, and there is a former Sweet Bay near me, that's now a Winn Dixie, that's actually very nice and modern inside. FWIW, the way I'm reading it, not all Winn Dixies are becoming Aldi's, but about 400 of them. Will be interesting to see which ones survive. Seems like Winn Dixies are larger than Aldi's. EDIT.... maybe it is all of them, I looked it up there are only about 400 Winn Dixie locations in Florida, Alamama, and Lousianna.
Maybe not, but our crops and medicines... crop seeds should be regulated. This store/company purchase got me thinking about a whole host of other businesses that need to be kept in American hands. Yes, the is a small chain of stores but I still need to be careful not to let all this get out of hand. So, yeah, this is a blip in the big scheme of things, but we should pay close attention to this trend.
This Aldi Cart Hack Allows You to Shop, Even If You Forget a Quarter Here's What to Do If You Forget Your Quarter for Aldi Shopping Carts No idea if this works...
It’s just so they don’t have to pay people to go out and collect the carts from the lot You have to pay for bags if you want them