He needs to be convicted before he rots. The sad part of all of this is that his defense is: a) he is so far out of reality that he believes the election was stolen; b) he follows advice that he wants to hear, no matter how outlandish. Of course, everyone knows better. Except that for the large majority of Republicans, his behavior was just politics. It was normal. Polls today confirm this.
Assuming that's his defense, which it likely will be, those should be completely disqualifying for a presidential candidate. I don't mean some mechanism should stop him from running, but how on earth can someone with half a brain vote for someone who (a) has an inability to process basic facts and (b) only seek out information he wants to hear.
I watched the media create the false narrative that trump called for violence and rioting at the Capitol. I have posted the full speech in context to help those that fell for the cuts and splices to create the false narrative. I have not seen one piece of evidence to show anything done was illegal.
Good to see you back over in the Lunatic Den, PD, where all viewpoints are discussed soberly and intelligently, except when we don't.
That didn’t answer the question, unless that is the extent of what you have seen. Because IF the speech is your sole data point, you should take the time to be actually informed. Read the indictments. Read the Jan 6 Committee report of factual findings. Read actual documents that form the basis of the indictments and the Report — memos back and forth by and between Trump’s Team. Read the testimony of those who testified under oath. There are mountains of literal evidence that is publicly available. You certainly have the choice to ignore it all. But you cannot, with any degree of intellectual integrity, claim there is “no evidence.” That’s just lying to yourself.
Not back for a day and posting untruthful posts left and right. Like I said get your crockpot warmed up for Crow stew!!
You mean the Georgia Governor is missing from that indictment... He illegally overrode/took control of the 2020 elections (the Georgia state Assembly) who's purview is the elections in the state of Georgia, and changed the election end date to suit he personal goals without the Georgia State Assembly's approval. He unilaterally interfered with their own elections. Did the Governor or Georgia have the power in 2020? That should be investigated... And every governor (Including in Michigan) that had elections last longer than they were supposed be open. Every governor that took power away from their legislatures during the 2020 election cycle.
What does it mean to have the elections go longer than they should? That they counted all of the votes instead of calling Trump the winner based on in-person only results?
I’m not trying to obfuscate, but come ON!!! We have the idea e posted in like 30 threads on here. You know the search well. You can do some digging. But, here’s a start. Select January 6th Committee Final Report and Supporting Materials Collection This has a treasure trove of real evidence. And of you’re afraid of partisan optics, just read the source material. Just read the REPUBLICAN testimony. Then, go and read the charging indictments.
At the end of the day you don't have to prove jack to the trump worshippers. The prosecution has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury that the defendant is guilty as charged.
A partisan committee is your evidence? I will pass on that and stick the reality Trump did not try to steal the election or call for riots and storming the Capitol. The timeline of Jan 6 and the speech speaks for itself. Unfortunately many have fallen for the false narrative created by the media…
No need for the media - just need to have been alive on Jan 6th and watching it unfold live. His supporters In DC because he asked them to be there Riled up by his speech Marched to the Capitol because of him Didn't so much as lift a finger for hours to try to stop them or calm them
You are focusing on the speech at the ellipse January 6. The Proud Boys were starting to breach the capital before he finished. Motivated by his earlier statements. The relationship between Trump’s prior statements and his awareness that violence was going to happen are laid out clearly in the January 6 report wort citations to the witness testimony. And supported by his actions that day.
. The testimony references in the report is heavily footnoted and references the supporting testimony. Blond yourself to it all you want— the committee did or control what the witnesses said. Multiple defendants in sentencing have told judges that they heard Trump’s messaging as a call to arms. Their president told them that the election was stolen and called them to the capital January 6 and they believed him. If you think he did nothing wrong, that’s in you