This is most definitely true. That said, we are always better at spotting the splinter in our neighbor’s eye, so I could easily see accusations that the next Republican president is lying being met with the response, “You guys didn’t seem to care when Biden lied!” And an impartial spectator might say they would have a point. Clearly, it will be tough for Biden to catch up to the sheer number of lies told by Trump, but if lies are unacceptable, then we should also admonish lies from our side without always referencing the last guy.
No, there is no evidence that Biden is anywhere near as dishonest as Trump is, in terms of both lying and of breaking the law. But that hardly excuses Biden's continued fibs. He's the president of the United States. It's perfectly valid to point it out when he lies, exaggerates, misremembers ... whatever.
For sure. But they act like an occasional lie by Biden is disqualifying, while their leading contender lied over 30,000 times while in office.
It's all for the best... I hear you. I honestly don't have a complaint about calling out Biden's lies. It is exactly what should happen. And the flipping of accusations depending on president has been happening on here since I've been posting. It would not be tough for Biden to catch up, but impossible. There has been nothing like the extreme absurdity from 2017 - 2021. It broke the republican party.
Biden turning American children against their parents …
It seems like a pretty bad time indeed. One of the many things that struck me about the first indictments of Trump was how quickly his supporters went right to Hilary and Hunter and possible biases in the justice department. Now I’m open to considering almost all hypotheses, so I don’t mind them questioning if all politicians have been treated the same, but in the process they seemed to largely skip over one of the most important parts: delivering any blame to Donald Trump. The more I’ve thought about this documents case (let alone all the others), the angrier I’ve become. Even if we assume that Trump held onto these documents for no other reason other than vanity, the selfishness boggles my mind. He 1) takes them, 2) refuses to give them back, 3) repeatedly, 4) then when he’s held responsible for these actions, risks widespread civil violence by loudly proclaiming this whole thing is a political stunt. How freaking self centered does one have to be to be willing to risk grave consequences for the entire country just to hold onto to some damn papers to feel important?? It’s just unconscionable and unforgivable. And yet, Fox News immediately turned to focusing on Hunter Biden. WTH?? It’s maddening.
Making a joke about persuading parents to buy ice cream for their children, who would have thought? BIDEN: "I wanna say one thing to your children. I know some really great ice cream places around here and daddy owes you, so talk to me afterwards."
So that’s it. Black and white. If you dare speak of Biden’s lies you are branded a Trump defender? That’s what you are saying in the above post. Is this how the left sees it? No room for middle ground? No room for logic? No room for common sense? If you aren’t 100 percent for Biden you must be 100 percent for Trump? How sad.
I didn't say any of that in my above post. Simply a recognition about those who now scream about some Biden lies were and/or continue to be big defenders of Trump's pathological bs, to an absurdity that boggles the mind. I'm perfectly fine with folks calling out lies by public officials. Way it should be.
But you did. Truth is, those who are eager to talk about some occasional lies of the current POTUS defended compulsive lying about everything by orange cheeto-faced shitgibbon. Anyone wanting to talk about Joe Bidens lies are the ones that defended trump. That is what you said in a nutshell. No room for anything in between. If you want to point out Bidens faults you are a trump supporter. Full stop. And that is the problem. You aren’t the only one that makes these black and white, with us or against us, all conservatives love trump statements. But you certainly added yourself to that group. I have never been and never will be a trump supporter. And I certainly am tired of Biden making up crap when he starts talking. And I certainly will point it out. And I’m not the only conservative that falls into those particular two groups
In all honesty, most or almost all of the conservative reaction here when a Trump lie was posted (usually on the running list thread) was one of these: 1. So what, all politicians lie 2. "TDS" 3. Just because the liberal media says it was a lie ... 4. Why don't CNN or the WashPost ever factcheck a Democrat?
I don’t disagree. But saying most or even almost leaves room for others, shows an open mind that not every conservative is trump Ian. Saying most or almost all isn’t a definitive statement of my side and your side. What Mutz wrote clearly left no room.. at all. If you want any to discuss Bidens lies you are a Trump supporter. In a nutshell that is what he wrote. Black and white . My team and your team. And that’s the problem around here. Tribalism. If you’re not in my tribe you are the enemy. Make no mistake… conservatives donit as well. And this tribalism is why you see so much ganging up and bullybadgering going on.
This exact phrase gets repeated at least 20 days a day on THFSG. That's because it's repeated thousands of times a day by DNC propagandists.
Broke them so bad, they won the House back in 2022 and Trump still polls within the margin of error of Biden. Whatever is the GOP going to do??
Pointing out the more outspoken defenders of a pathological liar pathologically lying now having problems with another president lying is amusing to me given history. It just rings hollow. Never said that they couldn't or shouldn't speak out about presidents lying. FWIW, although I responded to your comment in that post, it wasn't you that I had in mind.