Yeah I've heard that ridiculous talking point, completely misrepresenting the facts. We ABSOLUTELY want to be the people who did NOT let a career criminal attempt a coup, attempt to overturn American Democracy, attempt to steal an election, commit massive campaign finance crimes, steal boxes of super-classified documents and sell some of them while refusing to return them, get away with the 91 biggest crimes of the century. The law does not care how old you are, or what jobs you once held. If you commit crimes, you get prosecuted. Yes, we ABSOLUTELY want to be the nation of law and order, not a 3rd World banana republic. I don't know why you republicans hate this FACT so much, but you better get used to it: In America, NOBODY is above the law!
It absolutely was one of the dumbest things posted. You were trying to be cute and hide behind your arrogance. At the end of the day it was so dumb you really looked like a qanon member…
Boo hoo He's in the position he's in because of the choices he made. No one forced him to do things that would cause him to rot in jail.
Pure bs. But you believe what you want LOL! You definitely do not care about the law. As you are making blanket guilty calls without knowing the facts. Weak qanon type stuff for sure!
This is beyond delusional. Dream on, but your golden calf is going to rot in jail. He has deserved a life sentence his while life, so take comfort that your hero never had to face accountability until he was a dottering old fool. BWAAAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! This is called trying to will something to happen. Biden, nor any Democratic president will EVER pardon Trump. And nobody can pardon him from the GA conviction. Not even Kemp, because GA law won't let him. He'll be pardon-proof. Now you think you know the inner thoughts of someone you also say has dementia. The entire world except Russia, especially our allies, HATE Trump and they all want him punished for his crimes. If Biden pardoned him, he would destroy his legacy as one of the greatest American presidents. No way in HELL he even considers it. Biden will throw a damn party when he's sentenced.
If a pardon is offered by Biden to Trump, Trump's acceptance of the pardon would normally mean that Trump accepts his guilt. But, Trump is a sick narcissist. He would probably demand that Biden announce that the 2020 election was stolen and Trump actually won the 2020 election. I also don't think Trump's cult would think Biden is the "bigger person". They would still call for his head.
You're making no sense. I literally reported things - verbatim - that MAGA cult members have said MULTIPLE times in interviews, for weeks on end for the last 7 years or so. And then I explained it again for you, since you somehow didn't understand it. And you still say that makes ME sound like a QAnon member? I literally quoted QAnon members (many of them wear the Q shirts and hats in the interviews, and pimp Q out loud) to demonstrate how insane they are...and you say that makes me sound like one of them. Make me understand that...
Honestly, what's wrong with you? You're an adult, aren't you? So you know you can't read facts clearly laid out, then just shout "BS' with absolutely zero explanation, let alone facts to counter the initial facts, and think that is going to fly. You're making a fool of yourself. Notice how most of the usual GOP apologists aren't with you anymore? Because they've read the indictments. They know he's guilty and that he is burnt toast in court. Have you read a single one of the indictments? How can you keep shouting and arguing without taking in a single shred of information? The LAW is why Trump has been indicted 5 times in the last 4 months. The LAW is why Trump is now a court-ruled sexual assaulter and a judge-ruled rapist. I care very much about the law, because its the only thing that keeps us safe from people like you. You may not care about the law, but you certainly don't understand the law. "Innocent until proven guilty" is only a legal stipulation. Outside of the law, the nanosecond you commit a crime, you are guilty. You don't rob a bank and then be innocent the rest of your life, but then if you're arrested and convicted, you magically change from innocent to guilty. No. You were guilty as soon as you robbed the bank. That's why everyone with any sense of reality know that this lifetime criminal is guilty of all charges - because we've already seen tons of evidence ourselves (I listed a bunch of it and you just harumphed). we've read the indictments and know that NONE of the charges would have been made unless they have indisputable evidence of guilt. The only question is if it can be proven to the satisfaction of 12 jurors. When you're guilty, that's just a formality, and usually only relies on who has the best attorneys. Trump right now has the WORST attorneys. Maybe because he never pays his lawyers. Maybe because most of them are indicted co-conspirators. Either way, since I'm not a juror, I am not held to the legal stipulation of innocent until proven guilty, because outside the courtroom, it has no meaning. The whole world knows OJ is guilty. The whole world knows that bin Laden is guilty. And the whole world knows that Trump is guilty. Jesus. Forget your lack of understanding of the don't even understand QAnon.
Of course he had no wars. Defending America is the last thing he would EVER do. You don't understand that this meme does not celebrate Trump; it condemns him.
Your weird obsession with Maga and qanon speaks for itself. You can’t prove one thing trump did was illegal. You just hate the man. Haters gonna hate!
You are sadly blinded by the propaganda. You can’t prove he has done anything illegal. You’re the one making the accusation. Prove it! Sucks for Trump. He was a good President. But he should bow out because of the propaganda that controls people like you. And I understand qanon just fine. People who can’t see reality like you. People who don’t care about innocent until proven guilty because they just want their way like you.
You have a long standing history here of believing propaganda over facts. You and people like you are going to look really silly once more evidence is uncovered during these trials. The feds especially never reveal all their cards to the public before the case is tried.
Bannon wants a civil war Flynn should face a military tribunal Stone is a modern day joker a murderer’s row of real life villains
It’s not an obsession. The GOP is the party of MAGA and QAnon, which Venn diagram overlap is 100%. And they are trying to end American democracy. It’s the biggest threat to our nation since it was founded. Bigger than the Confederate terrorists, because they were overt, and we didn’t have 1/3 of the North pretending the Confederacy and the war were just in our minds.
I just did. Seriously, what’s wrong with you? When he’s convicted in 4 different jurisdictions, will you admit you see the evidence then? Or will you refuse to watch the GA and NY trials and refuse to consume any real news about the Federal trials, and then claim there is no proof? Wow. Name one thing he did that made him a good president. Heck, I’ll be shocked if you can even name one thing he did, period. Bow out of what? He’s been indicted 5 times, with more on the way (all the other states where he tried to overthrow the election will follow suit behind GA; I’d bet Arizona is next). He’s not running for President - he’s running FROM prosecution. QAnon is at best agnostic to the law. Completely irrelevant to them. Their only care is pushing propaganda to subvert and end democracy across the globe. You should know them much better, since they run half your party. The Kremlin runs the other half. Hey, do you know who wants Trump in jail more than Democrats do? Establishment republicans. They are furious that the MAGA has taken over their party, and they’re too cowardly to beat them down while Trump is out there.
One minute righties are making threads bemoaning how liberal cities like Chicago, NY, Los Angeles etc are soft on crime and allow criminals to walk free. Now they’re in this thread downplaying the litany of crimes Trump has been indicted on and pleading for Biden to pardon him aka allow the criminal to walk free. You can’t make this stuff up LOL