With so much hot goss about Carlson’s abrupt ouster from his top-rated Fox News show in the wake of the bombshell Dominion settlement, one would think that a book putting the cable news star in the spotlight — and featuring “hundreds of hours of interviews with Carlson” — would pump up sales. According to numbers provided by Publisher’s Weekly, Tucker, in its first week of release, sold just 3,227 hardcover copies, putting it at number 15 on the Hardcover Nonfiction list. On Amazon, in its list of best-selling biographies, Tucker placed at Number 57 — just behind the graphic novel Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood, which came out in 2004 (#52), and the Audible version of presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy’s 2021 book Woke, Inc.: Inside Corporate America’s Social Justice Scam (#53). The Kindle version of Tucker did not break the top 100. The book did not make it onto the New York Times bestseller list. But hey, selling a book can be a tough business, especially when you don’t have a built-in audience… but here’s the funny thing about that: Tucker Carlson has a built-in audience. When he was a host on Fox News, his ratings were great. New Tucker Carlson Biography Bombs With Just 3,000 Copies Sold MAGA nation why did y’all let your boy flop like this? Can’t say I’m surprised, righties don’t read unless it’s a conspiracy theory.
He didn't have a superpac lined up to make it a best seller? Certainly Putin could buy a couple of million copies.
Along the same lines although it may be too late for the strategy maybe CPAC or some other right-wing organization(s) should make a mass purchases of Tucker's book and give out copies at its annual convention not unlike the strategy used by some right-wing organizations to make Sarah Palin's autobiography "Going Rogue" a best seller back in 2009. Besides giving the book away it was also sold at a deep discount (below cost) to Palin's supporters boosting sales. This came directly to mind. Sarah Palin Uses PAC to Buy Her Own Book
I wonder if he really cares. I'm sure he got like a 100 million dollar advance. So he'll cry all the way to several banks.
The guy bragged about having 114 million people watch his post-Fox News tirade on Twitter, I think he cares a little
The MAGA folks should learn how. A good way to start would be by breaking down the letters and sounds of "I've done nothing wrong."
I cant stand the guy, but the #1 hardcover is less than 20k. Hardcover books arent really a thing anymore. Im not sure what his digital rankings equal in sales, but is top 50 bad? (Dont know, just asking.)
I think the expectation would have been a lot more than 3k books, even if hardcovers don't sell like they once did. Problem is that the best seller list has at times been manipulated by groups buying in bulk as @G8trGr8t mentioned. Where there are rankings, there's no shortage of folk trying to manipulate them.
I noticed that the Books a Million store is still in Gainesville next to the Oaks Mall. I'm surprised they haven't changed the name to Books Used to Be a Million. There used to be two bookstores inside the mall. I imagine both are long gone.
For years, we had various posters come here to tell us, "Sarah Palin's new book sold a jillion and a half copies!" The intent, much like lauding Fox News' ratings, is to try and convince people the far right is really popular. The fact is that these books are usually bought by Heritage Foundation, Cato, Peter Thiel and the like as part of an astroturfing effort to make the GOP seem mainstream. Much like all the empty seats bought for the recent QaNon conspiracy movie. It's silly because it's clear listening to anyone interviewed at a Trump rally that books are like Kryptonite to them and have been for multiple decades.