With a smirk and look of bewilderment, Joe Biden stops to take a question from the media and says "no comment" to the tragedy in Maui. Why even pause to field the question? This guy is useless.
Yea. This should be a long thread about how Joe Biden didn't yell a throw away line about thoughts and prayers. We all know how little he likes comforting others.
Per Kanye- I guess Biden hates Pacific Islanders. No excoriation from the media a la Bush in 2005 because - as we know - the media, like Brutus, is an honorable profession
Really missed the chance to say he was pulling a Mitch and didn’t know where he was. Drooling gramps. So sad
True, I will respond to you topic… he had a press conference and declared it a federal disaster. Close to 100 people died. It’s a sad situation.
I don't think he even heard the question. I'm not defending the guy.....but the stuff people get their panties in a twist about these days.......
Perhaps you can make yourself useful and link the press conference for us all? I saw where he delivered two minutes of remarks to the press about Maui, but I didn't see any conferencing with the press. (ie taking questions from the press) I could be missing it, so please, drop the link.
"Repeat the question?" There are a lot of options if that was the case, but by saying "no comment", that infers he heard the question. But why stop if you're not going to answer a single question?
Weird. I didn't hear a single peep from the press during that clip. These appear to be the same prepared remarks I mentioned before. I thought we were talking about a "press conference", you know, where POTUS delivers some opening remarks and then takes a few or a lot of questions from the press about the topic. Did that happen? Because I can't find any evidence that it did.
The FEMA Director has been in Maui for a few days. Over 300 FEMA workers for even longer, handing out thousands of cots, blankets, and over 50,000 meals to date. The body count has unfortunately not been finalized, and the search is still continuing. Now is not to time to disrupt this work by having a full security detail that is required when a sitting POTUS visits. There will be a proper time and date for Biden to visit. And make statements on the tragedy that occurred.
I was sitting back waiting to see what nonsensical Biden/Obama/Hillary/Hunter thread was going to made to deflect from today's news. I got my answer!