Don’t care. Super Bowl XVII, the second half collapse, with Riggins and his lineman t facemask can all go to hell!! OT: please go back to the old Dolphins and not the flaccid fish.
Not conclusive but a little background on NAGA The organization has been criticized in the past for alleged ties to Dan Snyder, owner of the Washington Football Team. Both NAGA and Snyder deny any such ties. The 2020 Sports Illustrated story on Snyder’s team and a foundation he developed — and later closed — to support Native Americans said that, while direct ties between NAGA and Snyder are “hard to find,” indirect ties may exist. The SI article quoted Penobscot Nation Ambassador Maulian Dana, who said it is “kind of common knowledge in the activist community that there is a strong relationship” between NAGA and Snyder’s team. NAGA’s finances are also a bit of a mystery. Charity Navigator, which rates nonprofits, has not issued a rating for NAGA because it files only a 990EZ, which applies to organizations with less than $200,000 in annual contributions. The SI article pointed out that NAGA did not file a 990, which is required for groups with more than $50,000 in annual contributions, in 2017 or 2018.Lawsuit reveals tribal rift over American Indian mascots Dan Snyder Started a Foundation to Support Native Americans. Has It Abandoned Its Mission?
It was bad enough when they changed the team name from Milwaukee Braves to Atlanta Braves. What's so offensive about Milwaukee?
So instead of addressing the post you posted a cute video/meme? Why am I not surprised? As a point of information I couldn't find a single reference to NAGA prior to 2015 which lends credence to the theory that the organization was most likely created by Dan Snyder to preserve the original name of the franchise that he formerly owned.
So then how did this group find 80,000 petitions to change the name back? Those who ramble on and mumble trump incessantly get the gif fyi.
Where could you find 80,000 fools to sign this petition? Oh right, its the USA. Probably took an hour.
So predictable and so lame. No one believes that shit. The real issue is flushing out the system of all the govt leeches who cry racist. They are killing our beautiful country. Hope you’re happy representing the nasty Karen crowd.
Righty weirdos don’t follow football, NBA basketball, womens soccer etc…they’re just infatuated with any political drama surrounding the sports. Such an odd bunch.
So you are ok with FSU doing it? Or are there fewer white people at FSU games? Are only native americans allowed to do it or is there some kind of sliding scale from white people up to whichever race you think is at the top?
You are the one here saying they should change it back to the old racist name, get over it, its already done. Take a cue from what you tell the libs all the time, dont live in the past!
I like this idea, then we can name all the other teams from the different gangs from the greatest movie of all time.
Stop living in the past, its the Commanders now. Let sleeping dogs lie, and stop trying to be divisive, its tearing America apart. Just be happy we live in the good old USA.
This is what I think is wrong with the whole political correctness thing. People refer to it as an "old racist name" yet I bet you nobody ever in the history of the Redskins ever intended that as a racist name. It was a name plain and simple. Like so many other things it has been made racist by the very people who call it an "old racist name".