In an world where countries pride themselves on scientific achievement, the world of super computers are one of the ways to gauge scientific and technical supremacy. Looks like the new Super computer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has a computer that can calculate 1.1 quintillion calculations per second. The computer called Frontier is the fasted and first computer to reach a speed in the exascale which is a speed of 10 to the 18th power.
This is from the second link, Oklahoma. After about three years of development, Frontier will be ready for scientists to begin using it at the end of 2022. With its new exascale capability, researchers aim to simulate how stars explode, calculate the properties of subatomic particles, investigate new energy sources such as nuclear fusion and harness artificial intelligence to improve the diagnosis and prevention of disease, among many other research topics.
I would use this computer for this below... Cosmological simulations too.. Methods based on machine learning have recently made substantial inroads in many corners of cosmology. Through this process, new computational tools, new perspectives on data collection, model development, analysis, and discovery, as well as new communities and educational pathways have emerged. Despite rapid progress, substantial potential at the intersection of cosmology and machine learning remains untapped. In this white paper, we summarize current and ongoing developments relating to the application of machine learning within cosmology and provide a set of recommendations aimed at maximizing the scientific impact of these burgeoning tools over the coming decade through both technical development as well as the fostering of emerging communities. Machine Learning and Cosmology
Protein folding and determining a molecule's medicinal values are some possible healthcare applications.
Nah. We'll just move to 1024 bit encryption along with 24-48 character passwords using all possible characters.