Interesting read … Why Modern Medicine Deserves Little of the Credit for Today's Longer Lifespans Surmise: any gain from healthcare is likely wiped out by deaths by healthcare.
I doubt that violence is a huge factor in America’s lower life expectancy. Prior to spike of 2020-21, we were seeing something like 26,000 a year, most of those suicides, out of a population of more than 330 million.
If medicine helped you live longer, being the most medicated country on the planet, would Americans be living longer than their peers in other countries ?
People disliking this post are just truly ignorant. I’ve taken a trip down to the south border in Texas and it’s cartel land even in the American side. You can stand on the river and see “pharmacies” just over the border that will sell you anything from fentanyl to oxy with no prescription. Many folks walk over and back and make their living carrying drugs on their person to sell to our kids. It’s an unmitigated disaster. I wish people would realize that no nation without borders can stand.
Many reasons that many people cannot move, even in locations where there's little economic opportunity.
I had long thought that too. Some ways, we all grew upon this idea so it would seem like it makes intuitive sense. But I'm increasingly convinced that it's more about Europeans having a better approach.
Their approach was different because it needed to be. They simply do not have the land expanse we enjoy. Americans typically prefer more space and will often choose to be away from others when possible. Public transit is a nightmare for me. I don’t like that much close proximity to all the weirdos out there.
I think the idea that the difference is based on need is much closer to myth than reality. You better stay in your basement. All those scary weird people out there are gunnin for you.
It’s based on culture or something else. Americans have a history of enjoying space. I live on acreage. I can’t see my neighbors unless I do some walking. Also, no one is gunning for me. I just enjoy my privacy.
It’s interesting how liberals have to create a boogeyman in an attempt to make pubs look bad in one way or the other. Of it were up to the libs here there would be zero cons here with different opinions, just them encouraging each other. Lol
Agree, based on culture...but culture is directly influenced by structure...and thus by policy. Let me ask, if where you lived, you had excellent public transportation and say, what you needed (groceries, medical facilities, schools etc.) close enough, would you not consider taking it? Or even biking or walking where you could? I think a lot more suburban Americans would, even if we've been conditioned to think differently. *Yes, I know you enjoy your privacy, though multiple times you've referred to cities as being dangerous and now full of weirdos. That suggests fear, imo.
I disagree. When forums are unbalanced, dominated by one party or another discussions among those involved become echo chambers. Chatterers found that when they fled this forum, led away to the echo chamber haven GGG led them to.
Sure it’s probably a bit of fear, but I’m mostly just a cautious dude. I’d say I try to avoid large crowds, esp when bringing the family along. I’m not all that fearful of people though. I’ve held up pretty well over the years…lol.
That's terrific! Belgians get it. FWIW, Sacramento, like a lot of cities, is trying to improve their bicycling infrastructure. Very slow process. For most of my adult life I bike commuted when I could, even to work at my last several places. I stopped for about 8 years after moving to CA, but have taken it up again. I now bike to run errands, go to the doctor etc. when I can, though unfortunately, biking to work & back is not in the cards. Just too far and inconvenient.
I live in the Charlotte, NC suburbs. Charlotte has light rail. But the closest station to me is ten miles away. To get to the station by bus, and then take the light rail downtown would take well over an hour, perhaps closer to an hour and a half. I can drive to downtown in 25 minutes.
Overall population, you're right, not a huge factor. Within some subpopulations, violence is a significant factor in lower life expectancy. Though not the only one.
We all like to hang with people who are like us, believe like us. It’s human nature. We should encourage discussion among ourselves. But instead we put people on ignore who don’t agree with us then complain that they have left or don’t post any more. I’m rather tired of hearing how Christian’s are FOS, stupid for believing, people calling a person racist should they mention race, then the same person brings it up in another thread like it’s different. If you don’t go all in on any hot topic, express a different opinion you’re full of hate, etc. It gets old. For me personally I’m offended when people attack Christians and the religion in general, and categorize police as bad, ignoring that most are good people. I lost my two best Tampa PD officer friends when they got careless and murdered in the line of duty. (Rick Childers and Randy Bell) They were wonderful people. I read this forum to educate myself as people here are very educated and discuss many topics. However,,,, It’s gotten to the point where out of frustration I’m attacking people myself. See my last post about fluffing. That’s not who I am. I’m going to stop posting for a while, maybe even log off permanently. I’m 70 years old and don’t need to read that I’m a racist white male dumbass Christian who hates homosexuals, immigrants, and people of a different race. I have a wonderful life, great wife of 50 years, good retirement income and a slew of good friends. Coming here is like turning the stove on and placing my hand on the burner over, and over, and over. You take care Lacuna
I was ribbing you about fear. We all have fear...including of people. Funny thing is people tend have less fear of those who are most likely to do us harm. FWIW, I dislike large crowds and stay away as much as possible, and I don't live in a city anymore. Well I do, but it's a small suburban "bedroom" city on the edge of rural & metropolis and I live on the very edge of that city. Just don't let the perception of cities as being dangerous places keep you from visiting or enjoying them. Maybe some heightened risk, but it varies a lot--much higher risk for residents in certain neighborhoods etc.