If you want to provide evidence or at least some type of a cogent argument that demonstrate how the streets are more hostile now or show that what I posted was wrong, go ahead...because your ad hom isn't fooling me.
does this count? maybe this one? Then there is this… this one is for teachers… This Grandma thinks you are full of poop This one is clearly related to global warming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yAZxIOXhS0 stupid published statistics U.S. crime rate & statistics for 2021 was 6.81, a 6.02% increase from 2020. U.S. crime rate & statistics for 2020 was 6.42, a 28.78% increase from 2019. U.S. crime rate & statistics for 2019 was 4.99, a 1.14% increase from 2018. U.S. crime rate & statistics for 2018 was 4.93, a 5.99% decline from 2017.
Seems that you're trying to use several high profile protests and a random incident as demonstrating increased hostility? And tbh, you have a point...to some extent. Though be careful about anecdotal examples. Recent hostility and anger with police wrt to high profile police killings such as George Floyd and Philando Castille etc. probably explains some of the recent uptick in crime rates. Also might explain the slight uptick in police LoD murders Thing is, so does covid disruption (covid also explains the very big spike in police deaths in 2020 and 2021). That said, people have been protesting killings by police and hostilities between the police and public go back way longer and during a time where crime & violence was much worse. What I'd like to know is how does the alleged lack of police and alleged prosecutors not prosecuting crime factor in trends? After all, it's a tough challenge using only a unique pandemic period as the basis given the circumstances. But then, you also cited a date from nearly 12 years ago but did not explain at all what you meant by this.(?) FWIW...
ever play peek-a-boo as a kid? Now imagine you’re a police chief, a Mayor and a D.A. in……let’s randomly say Chicago. Now imagine Tony uses a gun to rob Jack. Peek a boo….did any see the robbery??…. No, that’s racist. Nothing to see here. We have a Pride parade we are getting ready for. Go away. Any other questions? oh….what’s my source? Any actually person with a law degree and a job as an assistant D.A. in Chicago. It’s like a poll or a statistic except she has a heart beat.
Anti-education? In which subject? Who is in charge of the curriculum, and why is it supposedly anti-education?
None of my “merchandise acquisition specialists” working for my online store in the NY and Cali “supply houses” have been prosecuted in a long time. If, and it is a big if, they are detained with a buggy full of tomorrow’s listings they are at the next procurement location in a couple hours. Minor inconveniences are part of the racket nowadays but volume sure is up. Thankful for understanding DAs and liberal politicians.
Not discounting your wife's experience, but this is anecdotal and vague. I suspect intentionally so. Yes, do you have a statistic on how many or what percentage of robberies "went away?" A time frame? Anyway, Chicago would not be an anomaly. Prosecutors and police around the country try to fudge statistics but neither Chicago prosecutor or police could hide millions of reported crimes.
Imagine how much better off we’d be with police like this … https://x.com/stillgray/status/1690448067412312064?s=61
Don't disagree, though much of that hostility surrounds high profile incidents that have ignited protests but also often exposing underlying issues in the relationship between the police & public.
What does my wife have to do with this? But, besides that, the numbers are significant enought to make a difference, which is why the numbers are fudged in the first place. It is like the covid death numbers. Man with covid gets hit by train. Main died from covid.
Well you've written several times that your wife also went to law school and had clerked for a judge etc... so when I saw the comment stating "she" as your source, I assumed the she meant your wife. Unless there's another she you had in mind? Or...you're a woman too and you wrote in third person? If it was enough to make a difference, you could do a lot better in demonstrating it. Anecdotes might work for bluke, but they're not effective in backing up your claims. Too much fallacy and vaguery. Like I said, I don't doubt that this happened. I am skeptical about your arguments and now outright claim that it was "enough to make a difference." You work with evidence so you know how this works.
ahhh. I get it. No, my wife never worked as a DA. She did a Federal Clerkship, then did corporate law at the largest Law firm in the world, then took 10 years off to raise kids, then came and worked for me. My source is career DA. I’m moved from Chicago and don’t have any skin in the game any longer, so I’m sorry I don’t care enough to engage on this topic. I’m still trying to deal with the 160° heat index today. LOL