what you made up was your subsequent claim that the special prosecutor has to know nothing about the case.
You might have quoted from the statute, but you still made up claims about SP's having to know nothing about the case. Or maybe this is more about the limits of this medium? Anyway, the problem when executive officials break rules and get away with it is that it opens the door for subsequent officials to do likewise. And keeping quiet about it when one support the particular executive but crying like a hyena when it's the opposing party is crocodile tears.
If this was Jared Kushner, the government would have had to apologize for even starting an investigation.
The statute is broader than the rule and allows the AG to confer special counsel authority in any employee of the DOJ. 28 USC 515 28 U.S. Code § 515 - Authority for legal proceedings; commission, oath, and salary for special attorneys28 U.S. Code § 515 - Authority for legal proceedings; commission, oath, and salary for special attorneys. That is how Barr was able to appoint Durham as special counsel even though Durham was a US Attorney. Barr cited 28 USC 509, 510, 515 and 533 in his order appointing Durham. What Garland is really doing is conferring special counsel powers on Weiss to investigate any offense he finds regardless of connection to the district. Just as Barr did. This appointment was made because plea negotiations broke down. That reflects that the Judge who rejected the plea was right— it was too vague on what was released in exchange for the plea. Also, it suggests that there are matters being investigated that are broader than the plea that the Judge rejected. Durham and Weiss both had-have special counsel powers even if they both came from inside the government. A more accurate statement might be that they are not a “special counsel” as the rule defines it, but they can legally exercise the power a or one and that is legal under Title 28.
Yes, I am well aware the DOJ has a lot of special carve outs that allow them to pretty much do whatever they want....thanks to Trump. In fact, Comer and Jordan can thank Trump for Garland's action today. If Trump wasn't golfing all the time, he would have remembered to reverse this before he left the White House, but he was too busy loading up the van with classified documents. Garland is really just a product of Trump. And that time Trump met with Un. Shook his hand.
Your post is so ignorant that you should be embarrassed. Do you know how many people have been charged with a crime for the sole action of saying on their gun registration application that they did not use drugs? The answer apparently is just one person – Hunter Biden. And, how many people do you think have been charged with federal crimes for filing their tax returns late and paying their taxes in their entirety, along with penalties and interest late, but before the Feds notified them that they were under investigation? The answer is practically no one. I spent 4 1/2 years working for the IRS as a tax lawyer and 42 years more in the private practice of tax law at a major law firm. I haven’t seen anyone else get criminal charges filed against them for what Hunter Biden allegedly has done. I also haven’t seen anyone else whose investigation for this type of tax wrongdoing became public knowledge before civil or criminal charges were filed against him. This type of tax information is confidential, and federal authorities can be charged with crimes for violating the confidentiality.
Trump? Again? What does he have to do with the SC that Biden set up to investigate the Biden corruption? Biden is on video bragging about his use of his VP position to coerce favors from foreign leader at the threat of withholding a billion dollars in "aid" to the Ukraine. So that they do NOT investigate his son in the Ukraine.
Weiss let the statute of limitations run out on millions of dollars collected from communist companies that no taxes were paid on. Millions plus fraud on the returns counting call girls as tax deductions.
No. The statute affords broader power than the rule. Weiss is not a “special counsel” in the sense of someone who is appointed from outside the government, but he is conferred the same powers. The statute permits this. There is no practical difference because the attorney appointed answers to the AG anyway. That is why Mueller could find sufficient elements to charge obstruction in the Russia probe but be overruled by Barr. The AG still makes the ultimate decision.
There is a broader investigation than just the gun and tax charges. That’s why the plea collapsed. The pleas agreement was poorly drafted, the judge recognized the ambiguity. When Hunter’s lawyers said that the plea agreement insulated Hunter more broadly than the prosecuted said, the Judge rejected the plea because there was no true agreement. There are other matters being examined.