So the justice dept has appointed a SC to investigate the Biden family. A SC I thought was supposed to be someone not connected to the case. So who do they appoint the man who put the sweetheart deal together that was so bad even a liberal judge threw it out. David Weiss The fox has been put in charge of guarding the hen house. What a joke
Weiss is a Trump appointee and his investigation was opened while Bill Barr was the AG. I’m not sure what this giving him special counsel powers means (he wanted them apparantly), but do you actually think it would be better if it was a hand-picked special council instead of the Trump appointee already working it? What, short of giving Hannity subpoena powers would satisfy you?
Relationship or support Of Trump doesn’t matter to his die hards. Once anyone exercises Judgment that is contrary to what they believe or they tell the truth about Trump, they are RINOs or traitors etc. And they make up lies about their own, like Epps.
so you appointment someone to head it that has already let the statue of limitations run out on a lot of serious charges plus put togeather a plea deal that not only gave immunity to present charges but any charges that may show up in the future that a liberal judge threw out. And yes there should have some one appointed completely removed from the case as the law states
what has Trump got to do with this? This is about the only people who collected money from the communist.The Bidens
LOL, Trump appointee...tell me you don't know about judicial blue slips without telling me you know nothing about blue slips.
As SC Weiss is not restricted by venue. He can file indictments against Hunter in California where he resided when he was supposed to file his tax returns and pay his taxes or in DC. Interestingly I recall that it was only a couple of weeks ago that the right-wing media, some Republican politicians and some posters on this board were complaining that DC and CA were more appropriate venues than Delaware. Now that it can happen they're complaining. I guess they wouldn't be pleased unless a John Eastman or a Rudy Giuliani was named as Special Counsel.
He’s a Trump appointed U.S attorney. The President appoints U.S. attorneys. Let me guess, because the dems approved him he’s disqualified in your mind? I will say as this guy is the Delaware U.S. attorney, which is why he was handling this case in the first place, it’s not totally ridiculous to want a different random U.S. attorney assigned. Like a different perspective. Though I doubt this guy has any actual conflict of interest here. As I said, he’s a Trump appointee. What do you think conflicts him, that he’s from the same state???
First, David Weiss said he didn't have the power he needed and wanted special counsel status. Then he said he had all the power he needs. Now he gets special counsel status because he didn't really have the power he needs? Weiss changed his story 3 times this summer.
None of this refutes anything the OP stated. Trump appointed Mike Pence. Trump appointed Bill Barr. As if we're supposed to feel all warm and fuzzy because Trump's AG, who's gone full turncoat on his former boss, picked this guy to serve as a U.S. attorney in Delaware. lol. In any case, a special counsel is supposed to be brought in from outside of government. Not someone who already works for DOJ.
Seems like the most generous explanation for all these former Trump appointees, especially people who reported directly to him, being turncoats is that Trump is an EXTREMELY bad judge of character when hiring/appointing people. Doesn't seem like the type of person we should entrust with running the government and staffing critical positions.
Andrew McCarthy is arguing that Weiss isn't eligible but that the regulation doesn't have any teeth. I don't know if his analysis is correct or not, but seems strange to me for Garland to do it this way if if Garland has a nefarious motive and could have just hand -picked an outsider? Garland’s Special-Counsel Appointment in the Biden Probe Is a Farce | National Review Of course, if he were to deign to answer questions (as he declined to do today), Garland would point out that that last of the regulations, Section 600.10, makes clear that no one can sue him for refusing to follow the regulations. And that’s right: This is all theater. He is pretending to follow regulations while not following them, hoping you don’t notice but aware that even if you do notice there’s nothing you can do about it. Got that?
A "special counsel" isn't really "special" if they already work for DOJ and are privy to the case file coming in. I mean, that's literally the opposite of what a "special counsel's" purpose is. I'm guessing Garland did this to keep Congress from being able to subpoena Weiss for testimony.
As I understand it, Weiss has been investigating the Bidens for five years. If someone else besides Weiss was appointed special counsel, it would mean five more years of investigation. By the time it concluded, if any criminal activity was found on the part of Joe Biden, they would probably have to dig him up to try him.