Happens all the time. It’s in the training. But that didn’t happen here. This girl was in her house, not in public. The cop entered the house to arrest her for calling the cop a lesbian. "Upon returning her to the address, comments were made which resulted in the girl being arrested on suspicion of a homophobic public order offense. The nature of the comments made was fully captured on body-worn video," police said. The mother described the incident… "This is what police do when dealing with autistic children," her mother said. "My daughter [said]… the police officer looked like her nanna who is a lesbian. The officer obviously took it the wrong way and said it was a homophobic comment (it wasn't)." "The officer then entered my home and assaulted me. My daughter was having panic attacks from being touched by them, and they still continued to manhandle her." England sucks.
Wasn't clear to me from the article. Was she actually charged with crimes? If so, what? Underage drinking or hate speech?
Does it really matter where it happens? The cops can basically make up anything to arrest you if they think you are a problem.
At least the girl didn't end up like this autistic teen. Police killed an autistic teenager. Then they filed search warrants looking for past bad behavior. Or this autistic man. Appeals court overturns conviction of Miami cop who shot at unarmed autistic man
the cops didn’t make up anything here. It’s the law that permits the cops to enter your home to arrest your autistic daughter for calling a police officer a lesbian, because the police officer looks like your daughters lesbian caretaker. That is what happened here. England sucks. This is why we should have kept fighting and invaded those bastards in 1783.
America is getting there, with media as perhaps the leading instigator … There are certainly some things to be concerned with within Yaccarino’s comments, but can we just pause and awe at the reporter still not thinking it’s good enough? Even with the new X CEO basically saying they are going to censor “awful” content in a way to promote a “healthy” discourse, the reporter is still incensed at the idea that “conspiracy theories” and Kanye West could be allowed on the platform. What an indictment of the press. Elon Musk's New 'X' CEO Sets Off a Firestorm With Censorship Comments, Touts Her 'Autonomy'
I remember that Miami shooting ..the autistic man was playing with a toy truck in the street ... So they called in the SWAT team and ended up shooting his care provider... Cop who shot him got a misdemeanor charge ... Which was apparently overturned... What a shitty country ... Huh?
That was nothing. Young people on the autism spectrum are treated worse than that in the US on a weekly basis, by cops, security guards, teachers and school administrators.
So if one somewhat-murky instance of British cops overstepping their authority to infringe on the rights of a citizen is enough evidence to conclude "England sucks," what would be the logical evaluation of the U.S. with that same rubric?
I never said the cops overstepped their authority. That argument is under the “British Bobbies Suck” thread. This thread is about the laws, not the enforcers.
I'm not sure the law says if you say "lesbian" you get arrested, that's my point. The cops are making that call, and as we have established, they dont give a shit about the nuances of the law. They are a hammer looking for a nail. Try insulting a cop here without hate speech laws in a similar situation, see how it goes.