RIP Robbie Robertson. Here he is telling the greatest story about playing with @bobdylan, getting booed, and staying true. "The world came around, and we didn't change a note."
That was their 3rd album. Music From Big Pink ('68) The Band ('69) Stage Fright ('70) The Band discography - Wikipedia My brother had the first on vinyl. I had the 2nd and 3rd on 8 track. And about wore them out! What I remember the most is how different in a very musically pleasing way their music was.
Around the time when I was first dating my wife she would listen to the Last Waltz in its entirety at least once a week. That’s how I knew she was the one.
Might have to watch The Last Waltz again this weekend......RIP RR I'm not sure he and Levon were speaking when Levon passed. That makes me sad because they were so close at one time
I know its technically a Dylan record, but the Basement Tapes is a Band record to me, and my personal favorite
Listening to the band right now. I posted the following in the Pub’s thread on this, but I’ll go ahead and post it here. The Band has always been one of my favorites, and I put my son onto them at an early age. I saw them with Dylan in Atlanta in 1974. One small connection. One of my classmates at UF was a longtime Band fan. He’d been to a bunch of their concerts, and even got to go backstage at times. He also made a pilgrimage to the Big Pink. Rest in peace, Robbie. You gave us some of the all-time great music.
I think they made amends or at least apologized to each other on Levon’s death bed. Better late than never.
If only they were all from the US I’d say they were easily the greatest American rock band. And no Canada doesn’t count as “America” in this instance.
I was living in Murphree Hall my 2nd year at UF '74-'75 when that album was released. I'll never forget the other guy living on our floor was a Jewish kid from North Miami named Ron. He had one of those portable cassette players that ran off batteries. The only cassette I ever heard him playing was the Basement Tapes. Man he LOVED that album. Along with my roommate.....all 3 of us had a blast that year hanging out and listening to music. I was trying to learn guitar myself starting with some of the songs from Neil Young's "Harvest". I miss those guys.....
I'm ashamed to admit this but I had never heard the band until I was a freshman in college. I was a frat pledge (1999) at the time and I was sober driving one particular night and I had to drive one of my senior frat bros to his river house out in the country. He whips a CD out of his pocket once we got a little ways out and put it on and I just remember it was 'Up On Cripple Creek'. He was hammered and doing the whole flying fish with his hand thing out the window. I'll never for get that moment - I was like "what IS this?!?!" and he chastised me for not knowing the Band.
Yep Garth lives! The other keyboard player Richard Manuel committed suicide in a hotel on the OBT I think back in the 80's.