This seems like a hard thing to do in a global economy. We want access to their market. The acquisition of land is a non issue with eminent domain and nationalization. Critical industries (food supply) makes it maybe important to have regulatory agencies like the FDA to control what China puts into the food supply.
Speaking to the OP, though, two major points should be underscored. First, this is a good thing. Second, the Democrats have their heads in the sand, and they are far too slow to respond to national security threats, especially as it relates to China. There is a parallel here to the spy balloon incident. Was it good that Biden shot it down? Yes, but the problem is how long it took Biden to get off his laurels to make that decision. The same exact thing can be said here. There is a very clear pattern of taking way too long to make decisions that should have been made long ago.
this makes 0 sense. by virtue of being a fortune 500 comp, they are public companies that anyone with the skrilla can own.
I remember when Trump imposed tariffs on China and China responded by imposing retaliatory tariffs on US agricultural products especially soy afterwards we ended by compensating US farmers for the loss of Chinese markets by giving them billions in subsidies. How did that workout? And by the way it's US corporations and consumers that pay the tariffs not the Chinese. ‘Trump is ruining our markets’: Struggling farmers are losing a huge customer to the trade war — China
While keeping the tariffs in place is still illogical economically rescinding them could be disastrous politically.
Trump didnt even know about the balloon invasions - he was incompetent. Nor did Trump do anything to slow China down unless Ivanka's patent deals were a trojan horse. Democrats have been steadfast supportive of Taiwan and have pushed through legislation curbing tech exports. How have the republicans been better?
Responding to what I wrote with anything having to do with Trump and Republicans is whataboutism. My post did not make any comparisons between the Democrats and Republicans. It simply was a statement about Democrats and how untimely and delayed their responses are to issues relating to national security threats.
Why do you think it should have been done “long ago”? Unless it’s too late, what does it matter? Personally, as long as it’s not too late - and who am I to judge whether it is in this case - I prefer careful deliberation in such matters, especially when it comes to America-China relations.