As a reasonable person I think we can all get behind looney, bigoted meal team six types performing suicide by FBI. Just so happens they’re all white Trumpaloons.
Nah, these people might be easily led morons but they’re autonomous (barely) human beings who harbor hate and loonyness . Might be tragic for their families, but certainly not worthy of thoughts and prayers.
I suppose it’s venting or virtue signaling for some but hard to know which few might be a real threat. Which is why it’s dangerous if that kind of language is mainstreamed because no one wants to overreact and report somebody unless it’s serious.
Not sure why he said it to me, but I felt he was serious. I didn't bother to talk about things more with him. It was just weird that he said that our of nowhere. I thought he seemed like an interesting guy and was just chatting history.
If you’re an empath type, people may tell you things they don’t tell other people. Maybe he trusted you. Or maybe he knew you were from Florida and figured you’d heard worse already.
Propaganda lies over 20 years led the rush to fox and a brainwashed generation. Sadly this guy is everywhere these days.
It's sad what Fox News propaganda is doing specifically to our older generations. All kids have a moral responsibility when visiting their folks to block FNC on their TVs on a child lock and not tell anyone the password.
I don’t have to guess what channel this guy probably watched, BUT for a next level psycho like this guy I would tend to blame social media and internet activity as much or more than Fox News. Fox is more like a gateway drug to people like this, but it’s the internet bubbles that send them spiraling deeper into psychosis and violent thoughts.
That, and some of them evolve beyond Fox News. As we saw after the ‘20 election, a chunk of low IQ folks turned on Fox when Fox reported straight news on the election. Why? Fox wasn’t giving them their fix. Like the junkie that needs harder drugs, they needed a media outlet to give them their daily dopamine. Enter OAN and Newsmax. Fox saw those networks as an existential threat, hence they quickly pivoted father away from news and started themselves peddling the harder stuff.
Or white nationalist meal team six maga types go to prison for insurrections or they sue because they're suffering the social consequences of their terrible, hateful, ignorant views. White nationalist Patriot Front members sue for being exposed for who they are | Opinion Idaho Statesman