The idea that two very rich guys running for president are being 'censored' is pretty rich, they are getting way more coverage and taken more seriously than the typical cranks who hold the exact same views.
Oh, in his previous incarnation, he expressed his preference for monarchy over most types of government
Trying to lump Trump and his supporters into the same basket as Biden and his supporters just seems lazy. Like dismissing a series of egregious lies by a politician because, after all, all politicians lie. Especially lumping the two camps of supporters together. Completely different motivation. It's true that much of Biden's support came because he's not Trump. But there's also support from Democrats for his at least most, perhaps all, of his policies. Trump's fans clearly love him no matter who 'the hated other' is. It's not rejection of Biden that drives them. It's hard to believe the author thinks that.
So Democrats are motivated by hate and Republicans are motivated by love ? I was about to give you a mulligan.
do you want to have a serious conversation or you just want to throw silly barbs? Yes, voting against the other guy is often as big a pull as voting for your guy. But it depends on who the candidate is. In 2016, a good amount of the votes for Trump were because of intense dislike for Hillary. I saw no indication that the Republican animosity for Biden came close to that in 2020. With the current two guys - Trump has serious fans and devotees. I don't think that's true with Biden. Certainly not in the same numbers. So, yeah, Biden would get a ton of anti-Trump votes. In 2012, I'm guessing that Romney got far more anti-Obama votes than Obama got anti-Romney votes. Like I said, depends on the candidates.
I’m saying that neither your side or the side you despise can avoid the writer’s hammered. He aptly describes the delusion of what we call democracy and especially what it’s become in our time.
you have got to be one of the funniest posters on here. You literally could not be more wrong, more often unless you are a Biden. I didn’t attack you at all. I can’t say I attacked your post, because frankly, your post didn’t say anything. That’s why I said blah blah blah blah blah. I think you need to reevaluate your understanding of the word “attack.” as I’ve said repeatedly, I have never voted for Trump. And 2024 won’t be any different. It’s not because I don’t like Trump, it’s because I think there were/are better options out there. Further, I have never said that Trump won the 2020 election. Just another assertion that you made up out of thin air. Finally, of course I said Trump had nothing to do with “January 6”, because unlike you, I have common sense, i’m not ruled by hate, I don’t wake every morning screaming “orange man bad” and I speak the truth.
Trump had our economy cranking and he had peace deals in the WH between Israel and several middle East countries... Biden is a dirty stinking grifter that is over whelmed just keeping himself from crapping in his pants... and the bed. Not the same kind of people even if you dislike them both. ,
This was Plato’s position on the matter, but I found Karl Popper’s argument against this “law” to be compelling. I think we’ve learned a thing or two about governance in the last couple millennia, and I would say there is no sure fate for our constitutional republic.
Is that why you like monarchy, you just start with the totalitarianism from the get go, instead of imagining a slow descent to it?
In case you missed the concrete example, I started with early Americans under King George and then went from there to the totalitarianism of our day … which is cemented and hardened by what we call democracy.
Although the way I feel about Trump is rather obvious the focus of my post wasn't on Trump himself, it was on the slavish devotion to the defeated former president by his followers. The point was that the majority of self-identified Republicans are so devoted to Trump despite his obvious baggage that they will not even consider voting for another Republican candidate. Although I personally wouldn't vote for any of them in a general election Haley, Scott, Christie and Pence all of whom have impeccable conservative credentials are credible alternatives to Trump. Even Meatball Ron whom I absolutely despise would be a better alternative. As far as January 6th is concerned I do recall in a previous post that he mentioned that he used the word "peaceful" once while ignoring the fact that he urged his already ginned up supporters to march to the Capitol and "fight like hell". His exact words "We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore".
The notion that a family or a couple families should have the power to rule over others based upon their bloodline is so counter to everything I believe. It's even more concerning if those people are engaged in inbreeding (I'm not saying they all did). As another issue, the old monarchs were purportedly put in place by God based upon the divine right of kings, correct? Who gets to decipher what god or multiple gods think about this and which aristocrats those gods want in charge? I don't even know where we'd start with the chain having been broken.
Can’t give Trump a pass for lockdowns, masks and warp speed vaccines. All under his watch. But I regard the article as going deeper than tit for tat.
He's NOT going to tell you nor I the truth about what really happened... He got tricked just like the entire WORLD did on the "plandemic"... BS! It's now in the rear-view mirror and rehashing it serves him no good. Besides that Biden is responsible for how draconian the world got with the vaccine mandates and all that BS that came along with it. Half the federal government got rooked into all that BS. The one thing that pisses off some former Trump supporters is the very thing that concerns me too. Will he learn from his mistakes in the people he trusted that were just snakes in disguise or will he make the same mistakes if he gets a second chance? That, to me has been settled, if you listen to some of the more trustworthy, in the know, people in the MAGA realm of political pundits. There are some people that know that he will right the wrongs that he never realized before. Besides that he's better than any RINO out there. I don't trust the RINO/NWO establishment.
Yes, the author prefers monarchy by divine right over what we presently have which he describes as oligarchy with time limits. I hear you on how monarchy collides with American sensibilities. Accordingly, the author takes aim at the popular illusion of democracy as self-rule. Granted, what we have is what we’ve made. And what we’ve made cannot change. Whoever said it … “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the treasury.”
Yep, he did utter that word. Once. In retrospect he offers a full throated support of it. If the man gets any more off the wall nuts and threatening he needs to be locked up for the good of all.