No, I think its a good idea to ridicule the people that base their whole personality on loudly and cravenly respecting/worshiping authority, particularly authorities who often brutalize people and destroy lives arbitrarily and without accountability. Most people 'respect' the law for pretty logical reasons of self-preservation, they just dont make it a personality trait to brag about lol.
I’ll ask you a question as well. There are ten libbies sitting at a table with one bad libbie. How many bad libbies are at the table? Trick question…no such thing as a good libbie.
Am I though? I mean, I spent the last few days posting mainly on the LJ and sex trafficking threads and some posts on several other threads. But if I do focus more on policing, it's not like I keep track of it or worry about it for that matter. I post about what interests me in the moment and where I can add my 1c (and/or crack a joke). This often leads into discussions where there is a back and forth, sometimes lengthy. This is true of crime threads as well, but more often the specific topics or discussion doesn't interest me or I might not have anything to add to a discussion. FWIW, I also hold back a lot on policing and crime, otherwise I'd be writing dissertation length posts that would make seem like even more of a know-it-all. I do try to resist the urge to explain things, failing often.
If you wont protect the police, who will? (Other than the government, politicians, business interests, their unions .. )
Seems you’re making a real ass out of yourself again. My posts are in defense of all the police bashing that transpires on toohot. You’ve got it backwards again.
Perhaps you know too much. Also a possibility…hint, hint…you don’t realize how much you post about the problems with cops.
Is there such a thing as knowing too much? That's just a weird thought to me. Like I said, it doesn't matter to me what I topics I comment more about or not. Why would or should it? If you think this makes me look bad as you wrote earlier, that's not for me to worry about...though your *observation* is one of the reasons why I mentioned what I suspect is really going on here--it's not my thread choices, but the substance of my comments about policing that is bothering you.
No offense but you’ve missed the mark. Your comments aren’t bothering me. What bothers me is real peoples lives are on the line. What you and your buddies say about it affects their abilities and probably makes their lives harder than it already is. It’s akin to shitting on the poor. They already have it rough. So why say things to make their lives worse. It’s not my style.
Its not akin to that all, poor people don't have powerful people and unions lobbying on their behalf rewarding them with generous benefits, pensions and such.
You say that my comments don't bother you but then you followed it up with this: So it is about the substance of things I wrote. I also wrote about policing being tough and stress being one of the bigger problems that doesn't get discussed nearly enough. But you know we live in a democracy, one that allows us as the public, hell demands us to try to hold govt officials and govt itself to account. Police are a sharp point of govt and their jobs while often thankless , stressful and dangerous, doesn't mean we should look away from bad behavior that affects real people as well or stay silent about dysfunctional policing practices under some ill-informed misconception that all is fine and dandy. That's just foolish. Maybe take of the extreme partisan glasses you wear. This isn't simply about left/right.
Mutz, I get what you’re saying. I really do. Of course you get to question the policing efforts. I don’t believe I said you can’t. There are more posters here and libbies on the news who clearly have it out for the police. Have at it. All I’m saying is it’s a bad look from my perspective and I think I laid out the reasons why I don’t like what you’re saying.
I agree with the sentiment that you shouldnt punch down, but conservatives constantly defend the rich, the privileged, the cops, etc. I just think you have no idea what is "down" if you think picking on cops is like picking on the poor. Given the demographics of the people who encounter the cops the most, the cops are doing most of the picking on the poor.
I’m saying cops are like being poor. Both are put in difficult situations. You like to shat on cops for some weird reason when they’re doing the best job they can. You obviously have no experience dealing with the public. If you did, you’d have a better understanding.
I know you didn't say that, but calling justified criticisms a bad look seems a way to say that I shouldn't be speaking critically of police. Sure people have it out for them, but most people don't, left or right. Though you might have to define what you mean by "have it out for them" because in my mind this suggests wanting harm to come to them. If so, I don't see it that way for the most part. I certainly don't.
blanket statements don’t work either way. As I have said multiple times i have many friends and former colleagues in LE from local To highest levels of fed…..and the overwhelming majority I’ve worked with are really good guys/women. Most have a reason for going into LE and it’s not because they got Rowdies cards as a kid( we got them in tampa growing up ). These are people I would trust my family and kids. It is also not lost on me another long time training partner is retired criminal defense atty and he has plenty of stories about misconduct. Because I support and train with LE doesn’t make me a bootlicker or unquestioned worshipper of authority or fear motivated self preservation.