Amid a surge in crime in Oakland, California, police have advised residents to use air horns to alert neighbors to intruders and add security bars to their doors and windows Crime isn’t really increasing. There is just an illusion of increased crime. Isn’t that what we are told Oakland, California, crime: Residents hunker down or plan to move as some crimes surge | CNN
Well. Now that you posted this story I am rethinking all the data collected by the FBI over the last 33 years. I mean, who can dispute an anecdote?
Don't think anyone called it an illusion, but maybe someone did. It does depend on the framework & crime, e.g. per the article, Oakland saw a 14% drop in homicides last year, but a 41% increase in burglaries & 20% increase in robberies. But current rates are nearly half of what they were in the 1990s in Oakland and around the country.
According to this report below, most crime rates are down through June 2023 but with motor vehicle theft spiking dramatically. Doesn't mean the overall number is acceptable, but seemingly it has gone down. Of course, there are always going to be pockets (Oakland, in this thread) where there is a crime spree spiking, especially in lower income neighborhoods with significant income inequality and a large dose of hopelessness. Ironically and anecdotally, one of my beach neighbors (from Memphis) just told me an hour ago how bad car theft is in Memphis today, centered around suburban office parks with no gates, decks, or fences. Just a wide open surface lot from which thieves can select which car to steal and get in and out quickly with no barriers to stop them. Crime Trends in U.S. Cities: Mid-Year 2023 Update - Council on Criminal Justice
I was just picking at your conclusion that crime is historically rampant…or however you want to characterize crime today. It’s historically low regardless of anecdotes. Maybe use less sweeping hyperbole?
It is interesting crime rates are crashing so much with legal firearm purchases surging at the same time.
Interesting theory that declining crime would make a headline on CNN and have police giving advice to use air horns and instruct people to bar their windows. Doesn’t seem reasonable. I have also floated my personal theory that crime, specifically Violent and felony theft type were concentrated largely in certain parts of town and people knew to avoid them. I can say without hesitation since I moved to atlanta 20+ years ago what used to be concentrated in south Fulton, college park, etc is now county wide. And areas that used to be safe at night have changed significantly. That would give credence to your supposition that overall crime is down even though people in normally safe areas are witnessing and experiencing much more crime.
There isn't a specific-murderer look but that dude looks like he'd be one. mass shootings also skyrocketing. Weird how these things move.
The media is irresponsible when it comes to crime reporting. They often uncritically report whatever police are telling them. And police obviously have an incentive to stoke fear.
I'm just waiting for the next thread on "How peaceful and crime-free Xtypical neighborhood is." That story will spark a compelling dialogue! We can then argue about whose neighborhood has the fewest break-ins and all of the progressive 21st C advances resulting in safer 'hoods. In summary, Thanks Biden!
There are other choices. Perhaps Oakland is having a little boom in crime which is out of the norm. There is data out there.
When I lived in Oakland decades ago, if you lived in an apartment with only one entrance, you could not bar every window. You had to have a second egress in case of fire.
fair enough. Seems fair to conclude if they do it to get clicks on this one they would do it on others.