5'7 and 137 Not sure I agree there. That is quite fit! She was subbed out which is why she did not take a PK.
That turned out disastrous lol... But understand why they would have subbed for her that late in the game.
Of course odds are far from infallible. Sports obviously have so many different factors that can impact the outcome. down to literally a ball hitting a goal post by 2 inches left or right. but odds or predictions markets are probably the most accurate forecast available. “Probably” as the best if not one of them (I know of nothing more effective). I encourage research on wisdom of crowds and odds markets. Actually a book “Wisdom of Crowds” is a deep dive into it. It’s quite fascinating. If there is anything better to predict sports outcomes please let me know and I’ll definitely use it to make bets. A couple of examples that uses aggregation of separate, individual estimates on final outcome. “On a livestock fair in late Victorian Plymouth, England, a statistician with the name of Francis Galton asked around 800 attendees to guess the weight of an ox that was on display. He then calculated the median of all estimates, which ended up being 1207 lbs¹. To his surprise, the measured weight of said ox was 1198 lbs, which put the median estimation at ~0.01% off from the real weight. As Galton himself noted¹:” “Here’s another example of the efficiency of sports betting markets. In a study covering six NBA seasons, Raymond Sauer found that the average difference between point spreads and actual point differences was less than one-quarter of one point.1 When you consider that on average the market guessed the actual resulting point spread with an error of less than one-quarter of one point, and with the cost of playing of 10%, it is easy to understand why we don’t know people who have become rich betting on sports. And it is easy to see that the market in sports betting is efficient.” The Unexpected Lesson Within A Jelly Bean Jar https://www.advisorperspectives.com/articles/2020/10/05/are-sports-betting-markets-efficientYou