I think you were intentionally trying to get a rise out of people, both teams have attractive players, both teams have players that aren't stereotypically femme too.
US women aren’t attractive. Alex Morgan looks benefit from being surrounded by mostly little boys. Morgan is borderline attractive.
There aren't many super models on either team man, just a bunch of largely ordinary looking people who happen to be extremely fit. Gonna also guess that the people going gaga over Sweden is mainly down to them being basically all white vs the US.
You really seem to read into things…and usually make it about race. I pull for people I can relate to and I give an edge to people who don’t complain. I love the gators…all of them. F Franks Started to wear me thin when he pushed back on the crowd. Looked like a baby for a bit. You libbies are the absolute worst when it comes to race relations. You white libbies specifically are doing great damage to our country because you only see things by the color of skin. Weird as hell.
Very valid point and no doubt a huge disappointment for the US squad. I just don't think it quite rises to the level of all-time upsets or disappointment imo.
Well, I'll change my mind when you guys start rating our women against the ones from Vietnam and Nigeria instead of the whitest European countries.
Good grief Dude went straight to “y’all racists” without saying “y’all racists”. I know I know he actually just hinted that we like the Sweden team because they are all white and not the US because people of color are on the IS team.. suggesting that without knowing squat about any of us. Who we are married to, who we date, etc…damn.. maybe it’s just him projecting?
I didn't say anything about racism, you guys made that leap yourself (paging Dr Freud?). If you are going gaga over Sweden, that kinda tells me what your standard of beauty is. Like I said, no one seems to be comparing us to non-white countries, just an observation, not an accusation.
Beautiful face, but she has the body of a 12 year old, 92 pound teenage boy. Like a carrot stick. But definitely a beauty. I didn’t see her take a penalty kick, so she must be a sub or injured.
If that's not your thing, why are you rating any athletes, go buy a Playboy or something if you're looking for T&A
Definitely not an upset in my view. We were just way overrated. That is the reality. And with the mental and physical game we brought. We had very little chance once the tournament settled in... Hence the odds changed so drastically. That said we should have been the favorite. There is really not much of an excuse for the USA Women's National Team to not be dominant. Which does not mean you win the championship every time. But we did not look like we deserved to be there. Granted we did play a good game against Sweden. Guess we just need to laugh off those missed PKs...