How do you see that playing out? Are you saying that people will vote for him in the primaries? When you say that Joe will not make it what do you foresee happening?
I don’t know Florida’s constitution very well, but i would say that if it’s not illegal to use Florida funds to send migrants from Texas to Massachusetts, it should be.
Opinion? Fact is Florida was 7 when DeSantis got elected now 1st. The rest is you complaining about Florida not being 45th in education. Swing and a miss.
And I am confident DeSantis a lawyer that graduated from Harvard knew exactly what he was doing. While we don’t have the facts in a court of law. I presume the illegal migrants looking for asylum were earmarked for Florida. DeSantis figured Martha’s Vineyard made more sense…
It was. Then Texas happened and they changed the law. The number of laws the Desi has violated is approaching trump like disdain for the rule of law. The campaign finance violations alone should have him behind bars. Before he signs any bill, his people do direct fundraising to those impacted by the bill. He has used the public budget as a weapon to actively fund raise and to punish any and all opposition.
Oh I am not saying he didn’t know whether the action was legal. Obama taught constitutional law, and that didn’t seem to stop him from doing all kinds of shady stuff. I am just saying it shouldn’t be legal. I don’t like giving lots of authority to government, so I don’t even think “earmarked” for Florida should excuse anything. By that logic, it would have been sensible for the Massachusetts governor to preempt DeSantis and send these people to Florida, since DeSantis earmarked them for Mass.
I agree with your sentiment. That said. If the migrants were headed to Florida (not saying they were). At that point it could be argued it was in the best interest to send the migrants to a public sanctuary instead of creating shelters and becoming a sanctuary.
Yep, that's why I called you out for not knowing anything about the law. I know not to argue with you over dental bibs, you should recognize your weak areas....Covid, vaccines, abortions, anything to do with the law...... They weren't here illegally....not a single one of them. You give DeSantis' legal acumen FAR too much credit. Navy lawyers don't practice a lot of immigration law, especially at Gitmo.
Your right. Governors don’t have legal teams they discuss decisions like this with. Shoot they would not even consider calling a colleague or two or three or etc to discuss a big issue or case. But you of course know all LOL!
Here is the final tally on Covid. Florida did the best of any large state. This doesn't even account for opening businesses and schools much sooner than CA/NY did. Tough to defend this if you're Newsom.
And how would any of those help Newsom nomination if he isn't running? Is Biden going to bow out before the primaries?