At this stage of the game, I don't know whether we can put much stock in the miniscule gains that either side is making right now. Ukraine is doing about as well as can be expected against fortified defensive positions. Without air power to help out, it is doubtful that the U.S. Army would do much better. There are millions of mines and defensive obstacles to be negotiated and disposed of while under fire from the Russians. I think Ukraine is doing reasonably well. I certainly have not seen any sign of them giving up. Russia appears to be struggling to keep their troops supplied with ammunition, which is partly due to Ukraine's targeting of supply depots and bridges, and partly due to Russia's severe shortage of money to pay for ammo (which is why Russia's defense minister was in North Korea to beg for ammo recently). Crying because Ukraine is not wildly successful ONE WEEK IN to the expanded counter-offensive is somewhat childish. That's like complaining one minute in to your wife's cooking dinner that dinner is not ready and it looks inedible.
Even if that is the measurement of effectiveness NATO is using for the operation, I think it's pretty safe to assume Ukraine are not scoring a huge advantage in the casualty count if they are not budging the front line - at all. They've not even reached Russia's first line of defense, so heavy casualties are a pipe dream. I don't need an inside source on the ground who I know wouldn't lie to me. There's been some heavy fighting and some casualties, sure, but it doesn't take a genius to see who's on offense and who's on defense and who hasn't gained a figurative yard in two months of counteroffensive. If what you say is true, then NATO are just using Ukrainian soldiers like sending pigs to a slaughterhouse, in hopes Ukraine can inflict some noticeable casualties on the Russian side in the process, but also fully aware that they are sending those Ukrainian troops to the slaughterhouse. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside just thinking about it. Can't imagine how that might create some new problems for us down the road. Man, I think you're just spinning.
Sounds like you need some good news. Yes, Ukraine has gotten past the first Russian line of defense in at least one location in the south, maybe more. Ukraine claims its forces breached Russian lines
I don't think that's correct. The U.S. and Europe can prevent Russia from getting more than $60/bbl if they are using ships insured by western insurance companies, which most of the oil tankers globally use. Russia, China, and India do not have enough capacity to use their own ships exclusively, and Russia is in no position to provide insurance for its tankers. The idea of insuring a tanker probably became even more remote after Ukraine put a hole in the side of Russia's largest oil tanker this week. I'm not sure how the financial arrangement works exactly, but I believe it involves the insurance companies.
This was already an issue in Florida before DeSantis became govna. I asked what he’s done to gut homeowners insurance? Nothing more, nothing less.
But that, one might suppose, is the point: Applebaum and the rest are laying the foundation for what is to come, once it becomes undeniable that Ukraine has lost the war.
Complaining about lack of aircraft. Four months ago, it was lack of tanks. Before that, lack of anti-air. Zelenskyy keeps demanding more and more weapons and does nothing with them. The more aid we send, the slower the Ukrainian successes have become. As of now, they are having no success. After we deliver the aircraft in 8 months, it'll be something else. They'll keep complaining until we're on the ground fighting the Russians ourselves. What happened to all of this Ukrainian bravado? I firmly believe Ukraine know full well their goose is cooked and are praying they can convince NATO forces to fight alongside them. Not that I blame them for that, but they are clearly not using our tanks and armored vehicles like we had intended.
Even if Ukraine does get F-16s they’re not going to fly them over battle zones, with impunity, any more than the US would. They will not be game changers.
There are so few Ukrainian men left that they had to assign this to a woman … Woman arrested in plot to assassinate President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ukraine says
He has been the governor and has been more interested in running a really brain dead presidential campaign than trying to solve a screwed up homeowners insurance system. This screwed up market has many fathers but nobody willing to help fix it.
Well it actually did. Desantis as governor is supposed to administer the state. He has failed in this regard. I know your question asked for something more specific but I and everyone else answered fully. Nobody here is a hostile witness answering questions yes or no.
My theory is that the Russians have plenty of accomplices embedded in Ukraine and if they wanted Z dead, it would have happened already.
No one has answered my question. You can say it over and over it does not make it true. I asked what he did to “gut” it. Pretty simple question. Look, I know it’s yay team rather than discussion. Just say you don’t want to answer and move on. I know the answer so it’s ok to do so. Lol
he let it rot on the vine. 6 years in, and he has done nothing to fix it. often referred to dereliction of duty in some circles. too occupied on fighting woke to govern the state while shifting tremendous risk on the taxpayers
Agree he has done nothing. However he has not “gutted” homeowners insurance as one poster said. What Fla. Governor in the recent past has addressed it or even tried? Now tell me what can be done to make it better? I suggested making assignment of benefits illegal. What say you?
The only real solution is to have the state of Florida provide its own insurance coverage. How you like them apples? Now, back to Ukraine.