What are you talking about... what is the definition of a woman? There is none (according to these Leftists clowns), so Pelosi is just an ugly weak humanoid... so is Harris. I had hoped that our woman's soccer team would win it all... It's too bad they lost on a free kick. And I don't care if they sing the National Anthem or not... as long as they stand up for it.
yep. lots of hate in maga. ie Dear Leader’s comments: “Nice shot Megan, the USA is going to Hell!!” DJT
I read the whole thread. I do not understand the hostility towards the LGTBQ community. You can't see it because you are part of it all. A brief look at your posting history is like looking at a cross between A Clockwork Orange and Mississippi Burning. If you can't see the obvious attacks on the gay community, open your eyes or look in the mirror. Sorry to interrupt your Swedish victory celebration.
If you can’t see that your 2 posts show an overly sensitive Karen who supports america hate…you should probably switch sports to maybe ping pong. It might not hurt your feelings as much.
perhaps some people are just sick of the word “gay”. I’ve been posting on GatorCountry for probably 15+ years, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen the terms “I’m heterosexual” or “ he’s heterosexual” in any post. I think most people don’t give a crap about who you sleep with…. so maybe they have gay overload. Just my guess.
Are these comments the result of your "gay overload"? The USWNT has been under constant assault by right wing media. It echoes here. They tell you what to think. Does that bother you? To be so easily manipulated?
So, a lame .gif then this drama queen routine? You do not like it when people show you your true self. Who looks like the one triggered here? (hint: you)
Let me ask you a serious question. Are you able to explain what makes you think I am triggered? How is it that you aren’t the one who is freaking out?
You responded with a gif then called me a Karen then answered a post for someone else then another post. Again, you seem triggered that someone is showing you your true self. You don't like what you see. I wouldn't either.