The news source is from Tampa news station. We did well in the higher education categories, like tuition costs and rate of graduation. K-12, the most important time imho, we did well with graduation rates. I'm not impressed with it. More: According to its website, US News’ education rankings are measured using a limited number of metrics that include graduation rates, cost of tuition, debt at graduation, and the number of citizens in each state who hold a college degree.
Nope. Florida was 7th in 2018 before DeSantis took over. Now 1. Is it all him? No, but I can guarantee you the lefties on here would be blaming him if they went from 7 to 20th or worse. Can't have it both ways. I assume you will correct your post or apologize, whatever is easier for you.
So now you are downplaying the US News and World Report Rankings. I'm sure you would've done this if Florida was ranked 40th... At least try to not be so blatantly partisan.
It's just an article with facts on how they come to their conclusions. I'm sorry if it doesn't fit your narrative. Has nothing to do with partisan politics.
I guess the Desantis cronies are lying when they say it was 7 years in a row then? There has been little to nothing done over the last decade at least to improve our K-12 education. It has nothing to do with left or right. It's like we're the tallest midget with those requirements. Desantis has taken steps to make it worse - vouchers that redirect funds to for profit "schools" is one.
Your opinion only. I showed you the facts. 7th before DeSantis won in 2018. Now 1st. The rest is you bitching and complaining.
I think US News is a fine approximation of the condition of a state's education program. Probably very little difference in a few spots either way. However, I would argue that Desantis has only started mucking up the education system and it would be too early to see the effects.
Narrative? I showed you the facts. It's ok to admit you were wrong. Now just accept it and move. Not a good look to keep complaining about Florida's education when there is nowhere to go but down.
We've been told on here that it's been happening for years. Now of course since that doesn't fit the narrative you throw out the "too early to see the effects." LOL. Nothing to complain about except to say "but in the future DeSantis will suck". Bold move Cotton.
Right. Look up the process and data used to evaluate the systems. Look at the extent of the DeSantis war in woke agenda that was implemented and included in the process for the ranking. I’m curious to know the results.
Meh... almost every policy argument is about what you think will happen. Not sure what is new for you. Desantis second term has been terrible. I think his first term was less of a culture shit show. Your "we've been told" isnt specific enough for me. Sorry.
DeSantis has been Gov now going on 5 years. 7 to 1 is impressive and would be used rightfully by any politician. Now you and others are saying "wait until next year..." Only one way to go when at the top.
Of course it isn't specific enough for you. Go to the archives and see the bitching and complaining. I'm sure you were part of it LOL. The "I don't recall shitting on DeSantis 3-4 years ago" routine. Seen that movie...
Then they were lying? If you read the link I provided you'll see where they said that. I showed you the facts on HOW they got there, you showed me a history of the rankings that show desantis's lap dogs lied in my article. Not an opinion, just facts as well. Good job.
I have to say, I WANT us to be at the top, we've never been there as far as our primary education goes and that is what is important to parents moving here. I'm sorry, but we suck where we need to shine: Best States for Education [Updated May 2023] If we are so amazing, why do they insist on voucher schools?
Pound salt dude. Here are the threads from 4 years ago (AUG 2nd)... Desantis was on no one's radar. NOT ONE thread on him over 4 pages... Your turn. EDIT: Page 3 included a healthcare Desantis thread.
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