nothing says strength and bravery like dying your hair blue. I put it up there with those Americans who went to France in the ‘40s. I certainly am inspired.
I don’t watch Women’s Soccer because I think my dogs would attack me…however… I did see the PK loss on YouTube, and I need to speak about the elephant in the room. …….. Most US women’s players did not look like women. Most Swedish players looked like models. This just needed to be said. carry on……
Got it. You’re the guy that pulls in closely behind the fire truck as it weaves through traffic. yes I get beers, but even in line when the NA plays, I turn and remove my cover and pay my respects, once completed it’s back To beers. Not too much to ask but you do you man. back on topic. I posted the thread not to argue patriotism but to make the point that rapinoe underperformed as a player and based on the look of the team grossly underperformed as a leader. She was slow and the team looked soft. She could have pulled a roy Kent and coached and motivated but instead she was selfish and hung on too long
I’m here for the soccer. I don’t give a damn what color their beards are. I’m rooting for America. My patriotism doesn’t end at my feelings over someone’s sexuality or hair choices.
That must be lonely. Do they have a hotline? If you call it, do they lay a bunch of guilt on you for waiting so long to call?
Just my opinion (obviously) World Cup games (both men's and women's) in the knockout round that are tied after the first overtime should be decided by a sudden death/golden goal rather than penalty kicks. Given that goalkeepers at the elite level are extremely skilled winning comes down to as much as guessing right as skill. On the subject of the popularity of soccer, if you don't like it don't watch it.
that sounds awesome. Question: did you provide the same respect to the previous president as you are providing to the bearded soccer team? Or is your patriotism one of convenience?
Ok. 2023 Women's World Cup Roster | U.S. Soccer Official Website Now post your picture. We can all decide if you look masculine? Bonus you post your bar card I am just kidding. I imagine this when I think of your posts.
Funny thing is if you go on Twitter/X or Facebook, you can see the profile pics of MAGA supporters, usually posing behind the wheel of their car wearing Oakley shades. A good number of them look like pale, obese thumbs, yet they have the nerve to critique the looks of women. LOLL
The people that make a big deal about "protecting women's sports" putting their misogyny on full blast
@Orange_and_Bluke relax man… have a sense of humor. Did your alternative account get its feelings hurt?
My wife, a former d1 athlete, calls it out as well. I’ll let her know that she’s the crazy one. Thanks guys.
Keep in mind, this team's loss is akin to the 1980 Russian hockey team not making it out of the 1st round. It was that bad. So bad, they are in a class to themselves. I didn't know that this team has several firsts - first women's team in US history to get bumped this early in the World Cup, fewest goals scored by any US women's team, and fewest wins. It's like Georgia coming back this year and going 2-10 averaging 10 points a game. Actually I like that scenario For all the talk of equality, they forgot they had to play the game. Look at Morocco - with about a 50th of the resources the USWNT has, they went further. Jamaica, with a thousandth of the resources, going so far as having a GoFundMe just to be able to get to Australia played better. Defensively, we played stellar but we didn't play as a team as indicated by scores of articles discussing it so far.
I do, and she walks over to see what I’m laughing at all the time. Sometimes she helps fashion my responses. She’s a real American.