Sweden is a FIFA #3. Not that much distance between #1 anymore maybe. Sweden appeared like a weaker outfield solidified by really exceptional goal keeping. Individual match-ups and overlaps were hard for Sweden to defend. The pitch looked slow. It seemed like balls were stuck on too many feet during the match. Smith ran out of gas and should have been lifted in lieu of Morgan, particularly in a PK scenario. The ref let many challenges go. I couldn’t care less what happens before or after the whistle. It’s just people being people. Why get upset or idolize someone you don’t know? It’s weird sports culture. I was more irritated by O’Hara’s miss. She makes that 90% of the time. Hatch or Coffey should have been brought up rather than Rapinoe, but it’s water under the bridge.
If you know the answer please let me know. I don't follow women soccer but I can usually tell when there is a big event coming up when I hear right wingers talking about the team
I really do feel bad for you all who classify everything as right wing left wing. You are part of the problem. There is much more to life than politics, open your eyes I promise you will be happier: hint all politicians are corrupt and only care about money and not you. Once you realize that it changes your outlook.
Not for me. Only issue I had that could be remotely political is the anthem issue. They have the right to protest and I have the right to not like it. The soccer crowd is 90% liberal and I'm an independent that leans conservative fiscally and liberal socially if I cared so much about politics it wouldn't be my favorite sport and I would never watch movies or listen to music. I see all sides and agree with many and disagree with many, it's very liberating to be open to ideas and not so steadfast on one's beliefs that their ideas can't be changed with logical reason and fact. Most on here will never listen to the other side no matter how many facts or arguments are put forth and that's the issue with this current climate. Tribal politics
There is a right wing poster in this thread who says he wants to beat up several Democratic female politicians. Why didn’t you quote that poster with this same “there’s more to life than politics, bro” message?
yeah and no left winger he ever talked violence against a right wing politician, lol. I came on here to talk about the women's WC. Threats and violence are a resort when you can't make a logical point, just like calling somebody a racist when you cant make a logical argument wise, it's all juvenile. My parents are all hard right wingers and we have arguments at every family gathering. They just won't listen to reason, same with hard lefties
That is the issue we're discussing, the one I said politics is at the root of. Reality is that most self-proclaimed independents identify with a party. And due to cognitive biases, we humans are quite bad at being openminded and having our preconceived notions changed by reason and facts.
No left winger on here has ever said they want to kick the ass of a female conservative politician. Nice attempt at “both sides”-ing it tho. Let us know when you finally decide to quote the poster who threatens violence against women strictly because of their political affiliation before you preach to anyone else.
I never come on here for this reason and I didn't see that and didn't read all posts and typically ignore stuff like that but I would bet in some of these threads somebody has said the same thing about MTG. Either way it's classless both sides. Good night, can't wait to talk Men's WC 26, we did just book our flights to Germany for the 2024 Euros, can't wait for that
Good night. I look forward to cheering on our mens team in their quest for a WC championship in ‘26 with the same vigor that I was rooting for our women.
Gotta hand it to you, bro. Responding to me and then blocking to try and prevent me from responding back is super petty. Hat's off to you lol. Have a blessed night.
bingo And that’s what the women soccer athletes want who protest. Recognition. Recognition is politics in this case. So be careful what you ask for, you just might get it. Lol I stopped watching ESPN when they got overly political. I’ll still watch if that’s the only way I can see a certain sport, event, etc. The ESPN talking heads are off my watch list as are political protest by athletes. Doesn’t matter what sport to me. Each to their own. I have as much right to turn them off as they do to protest. And that’s what I do. Now back the the Little League World Series which on ESPN.
Speaking of, I need to remember to set my meeting with some kids this week to convince them to kneel during the national anthem.