It’s remarkably easy to do going to a poster’s profile page. What better way to lay bare their hypocrisy? Yes, it’s inconvenient for the supposed lawyer but instead of insulting @gatordavisl maybe your ire should be directed at the guy being rude in most posts?
If you mess with the bull you get the horns. I have not bullied anyone. I just respond in kind to bullies. When posters are pleasant and nice I respond in kind. When posters are snarky I respond in kind. When posters are douches I respond in kind. If you ask for my shirt, I give it to you. If you demand my shirt You get nothing. If you try to take my shirt I fight you. If you steal my shirt I hunt you. I am a good hugger and I love puppies...if that helps.
No you are pretty liberal with the insults and smack talk, even when others are not. You do that to anybody you disagree with, regardless of tone. Are you as condescending to the people you help?
It is just weird for somebody who does all these good deeds to get on the internet and perform a tough guy routine. But perhaps it is a way to let out your alter ego anonymously.
I believe my deeds on the internet are also good deeds, just not as rewarding and fun. But I balance it all with dancing, which has always been my true passion.
“In the footage shared by Julia Davis, founder of the Russian Media Monitor group, Sidorov declared: "I am for Trump, I always was for Trump." The GOP frontrunner is "the destroyer," he added, and the U.S. would "fall apart" if Trump is re-elected in 2024.” Donald Trump celebrated as "destroyer" of America on Russian state TV
The best solution that I'll always push but no one wants to consider is a peaceful split up into 5 countries. A Northeast Country, a Midwest Country, a Southern Country, a Mountain West/Big Sky Country and a West Coast Country. Hawaii becomes it's own country again (the natives really don't want to be a part of the U.S. anyway) and Canada either becomes it's own country or joins Canada. Yes many would have to move. Conservatives in the Northeast and West Coast would need to move or accept Liberal rule. Liberals in the South, Midwest and Mountain West/Big Sky would need to move or accept Conservative rule. It's better than the alternate though. A Civil War where hundreds of thousands if not millions of Americans suffer a bloody death and the whole country is completely destroyed.