I'll apologize as soon as Nancy apologizes for tearing up Trumps State of The Union Speech on TV......Call her what you want, she is a class A bitch.
Wish this thread was in the den so soccer could be discussed as opposed to all this tribal childish BS.
So she tore up Trump’s speech and now you want to put up your dukes and fight her. You’re such a tough guy!
Sorry, but I shouldn’t want to puke by watching our National women’s soccer team compete. It’s relevant.
Turns out Musburger was always a dbag… Smith and Carlos’ actions were met with boos, and they were vilified by the American press—broadcaster Brent Musburger, then a writer for the Chicago American, called them “a couple of black-skinned storm troopers” Something I didn’t know from the article was that they were also protesting the massacre of hundreds of Mexican student activists earlier that year at the hands of the government.
I said what my problem was in my post, it's a bad look to not support the country that's on your kit. Period. If it's that big of a problem for some, simple solution, don't play. My main issue was the total cockiness and overall lack of class from some on this team. It was embarrassing and not lost on the other teams and the soccer community. You want to act like that you better go out and back it up and they did everything but that.
I thought the quote in its entirety was, "You're looking live at a couple of black-skinned storm troopers."
Hmmm Team USA members have the right to protest. In fact most would encourage them to do so. Just not on the clock. How many of you are allowed to stage a protest at work while on the clock? How many are allowed to wear your company logo/ name to a protest or rally? And just as the members have every right to protest injustices ( and to be clear they were absolutely wrong about the equal pay issue) Citizens of America are allowed to voice their displeasure to those protests. It becomes a circle of stupidity USNWT protest on the field ( freedom of speech) Conservatives insult them for protesting while repping the US ( freedom of speech) Liberals insult the conservatives for insulting the USNWT for protesting (freedom of speech) Protest ll you want. Just not when at work or when on the clock. Don’t protest during the national anthem of the very country that is paying you, supporting you, making all of this possible. I do not for one minute truly believe their protest is about injustices. The vast majority will go silent as soon as the camera is off. This team has learned that the protest, the controversy brings cameras, articles, recognition far more than their play in the field.( which I think is sad.. there are some exciting and fun to watch players on the USWNT). This particular team has been called out by ex players and ex teammates for their lack of intensity, lack of focus and lack of teamwork. But in the end this is all about scoring points for your team! Yeah team.
Ol’ Brent was just echoing the sentiment that certain Americans felt at the time. Fast forward a few decades later and now that same contingent that hated the black power protest is repulsed by the US Women’s soccer team, hates NFL players because they kneel, hates NBA players for being woke etc. Just a perpetually angry/miserable contingent of people. They sure do love them some Jason Aldean though!
The fact that they're playing for Team USA means they support their country. People can support their country while still recognizing it has flaws and offering criticism of those flaws. If your child came home with an F on the test and you criticized your child for spending the past week blowing off their studies to hang out with friends, would that mean you don't support your child? Or is your criticism of your child because you believe in them, love them, and know they can do better? End of the day, the team lost. Maybe it was coaching. Maybe it was the players. Maybe it was a lack of leadership. Maybe the world is catching up. Maybe it's a combination of things. We'll have to wait four more years to see if this was a one-off---like Team USA Basketball's performance in the 2004 Olympics---or indicative of a trend.
How many of us are world class athletes and get the chance to represent our country in a world stage? Nothing wrong taking advantage of an opportunity, especially when it only comes around once every four years. For those who disagree, have a little empathy. Think about the 1st Amendment and the irony of telling athletes in order to represent America on the biggest stage, they should temporarily give up their right to free speech. Just so that people back home, who wouldn't want them in their homes as LGBTQ+ members can root for them without issue?
Looks like that poster is taking the thread title literally - he actually wants to knock a woman out.
No insult… I’m guessing you are not real familiar with the game of soccer, the USWNT, or what goes into creating a world class WC national team. The US has a HUGE talent pool to pull from. They have far better training facilities than most countries and far better support . You are not wrong, many of the WC players play for premier league teams, MLS teams, etc…probably far more than most teams ( again a huge advantage) but that ( the fact that we have a larger pool to draw from verses most teams) isn’t the issue or the argument. It takes so much more than players that are individually developed. It takes a team… a cohesive unit. A top notch well laid coaching staff, a world class training facility, trainers, equipment etc… The US absolutely has a major advantage and our team should not have looked so poorly coached, so uninterested, so out of sync .
There's a time and place for everything as dictated by circumstances. When and where you did whatever you protested may have been appropriate. Many of us feel that the circumstances did not justify what a few members of the team did when our National Anthem was being played. (On the other hand, I wasn't offended by Kaepernick's kneeling.)