Should the Bidens and associates be put under oath once and for all to get to the bottom of all of these bribery issues? Denials by proxy in the press are meaningless. Put people under oath. Force the Republicans to put up or shut up. This is just one of many example where the Biden’s say X and witnesses, photos, laptops, etc say Y. accross the board, people who lie under oath to congress they should go to jail, without exception. POTUS, former POTUS, CEOs, etc. Should be minimum 1 year for telling or repeating each lie. Remember that Biden Dinner That Joe Biden Never Attended? Well, he did.
Yes, and the first question Jim Jordan should ask him is, "Have you stopped beating your wife?" Which would be an absurd question (but look who's asking it), since Old Joe couldn't beat his way out of a paper bag.
For whether he was at this dinner and what he did, all you need to do is put a few servers under oath. They aren’t going to lie, and they certainly will remember.
Because of what the fake whistle blower -- who was actually a foreign agent -- said? LOL. I thought this whole thing blew up your faces a few weeks ago. Sad to see this all you got to cling on to, like rats on a sinking ship ... while the SS Biden powers along to a second term.
I agree that Biden should be questioned under oath, provided it's under the same conditions that Trump was questioned under oath during the hearings leading up to the Articles of Impeachment both of the times that he was impeached by the House and during his Senate trials following both impeachments.
Biden would likely do his best “Clinton” if under oath. The question is can he replicate the stealthiness of Bill Clinton under oath. Big shoes to fill. Biden might be in trouble though. Clinton understands the art of bridling thy tongue.
Jim Jordan should be placed under oath and asked if he has continued to be a groomer since he stopped coaching at Ohio State
If we put the OP under oath and asked one simple question I think we all know what the answer would be…
Why would anyone dislike your question? Must not be a lawyer. But to your question, I've long doubted he's a lawyer, though I've known a few who were waaay out there, proving that education is wasted on some.
Biden should be institutionalized - and kept away from Jill - for his safety and for the sake of some shred of dignity.
If you are, in fact, an attorney you should know better that the crime of perjury is more than simply lying under oath. These are the elements of perjury: A person took an oath to truthfully testify, declare, depose, or certify, verbally or in writing; The person made a statement that was not true; The person knew the statement to be untrue; The person made the false statement willfully; and The subject matter of the statement was material to the proceeding in which it was made. A criminal prosecution against Clinton would have failed based on the last element. The proceeding concerned allegations against Clinton regarding sexual harassment of Paula Jones, not whether or not had a sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky. By the way at the time of political theater/impeachment of Clinton, a number former US Attorneys/Assistant US Attorneys acting as expert commentators for various television networks and print publications indicated that they would have never bothered charging Clinton based on the facts of the case.
so many things wrong here. 1st, I never mentioned anything about perjury. But regardless, 2nd the subject matter of his lie was his relationship and sexual harassment of another woman (Lewinsky) which is certainly related to the acts alleged in the civil case. It may not be admissible as a prior bad act, but the perjury likely would be, and regardless it was discovery, which is very broad. The judge held him in contempt (I assume direct criminal contempt) and he was disbarred. He should have been sent to jail.