Meh, a cynical person might say he came up with that saying in response to M. Obama stating that for the first time she was proud of her country. I'm glad they lost but not for the reasons people on here are saying. Don't care about their personal beliefs or protests but I just don't find soccer enjoyable to watch and now I don't have to listen to all the news shows in the morning reminding me to toon in to watch the games.
It does seem part of it. Actually, I remember when soccer itself seem to anger people. And women's did more than men's.
It is pretty funny to me that a bunch of Libs who stooped to name calling a 10 year old Barron Trump a few years back would take such offense to a remark about a dirtbag of Pelosi's caliber. Barron Trump did nothing to draw the wretched remarks he got.....Ms Pelosi on the other hand has earned all the nasty comments she can get.
It’s proof that America is working hard towards a sharp decline. Libbies won’t be happy until up is down and black is white.
Majorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert are bigger dirtbags than Pelosi, you want to put hands on them too, tough guy?
Then you can take solace that a patriotic looking American won the World Championship of pillow fighting today. Three rugged rounds of non-stop action. True story.
Denying the people representing our country the freedoms that are foundational to it. Brilliant. "I can't support Team USA because they think they have a right to free speech when it's inconvenient for me." Perfect. As wrong as wrong gets.
So you agree, Pelosi is a dirtbag? We all knew it just surprised to see you admit it. BTW the tough guy remarks are so childish, how old are you anyway 9?
Personally, I do not recall any "libs" ridiculing Barron Trump although it may have happened but I do remember that the former guy awarded Rush Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedm, the same Rush Limbaugh who referred to 13-year old Chelsea Clinton as a dog. IT AIN'T FUNNY, RUSH Perhaps it is not fair to hold a radio talk-show host responsible for the several idiocies of his listeners, so let's consider Limbaugh himself. Here is a Limbaugh joke: "Everyone knows the Clintons have a cat. Socks is the White House cat. But did you know there is also a White House dog?" And he puts up a picture of Chelsea Clinton. Chelsea Clinton is 13 years old.
I agree with most of what you said, but there is nothing overrated about that anthem in my mind. O'er the Land of the free and the home of the brave!
ESPN 8 - The Ocho! I was so excited when I saw that advertised, but for some reason the only thing I saw them show was the Corn Hole tourney. Would have loved to see the pillow fights or the dodge-ball. The ads made it look like it was a blast.
Another perfect single circle Venn diagram: People who love Trump or DeSantis People who root for USWNT to lose People who have never watched a full international women's soccer game in their lives
I am a huge soccer fan (go villa) and not upset at all at the women losing. The way some of them carried themselves was an embarrassment, from the cocky attitudes to not giving a shit about the national anthem, the play on the pitch, to the awful coaching decisions and the overall entitlement of this team. Frankly they have been great because the rest of the world didn't give a shit about women's soccer and we did so we dominated. We have been winning off talent and athleticism but we are not technical at all as witnessed by not even scoring a goal in two games and only beating an awful Vietnam team. The days of US dominating womens soccer are over. My wife was a D1 player and my daughter plays high level and they see the same. Its a shame too as i loved the days of us dominating but they are done. Hopefully they take a hard look at everything that encompasses womens soccer and have a total re evaluation. They can start by trying to be a unifying squad and not one that makes some of the country root against them.