Rapinoe getting some heat for smiling and laughing after missing the penalty. For the record I have no issue with any athlete handling their frustration their own way. Some smile, some get visibly angry. I don’t really care. My beef with her is that she should have not been on this team. She’s older, slower and not hungry in a way that it takes to compete on a world stage. The team took on her identity as a leader. Complacent, soft,Unfocused and entitled. She was taking the spot of someone who could have done a much better job physically and psychologically as a player and a leader. Poor showing all around for a team with access to an abundance of female soccer talent. USWNT's Rapinoe laments missed PK: 'Sick joke'
Read rumors her attitude and her refusal to honor our flag was a “cancer” on the team. I suspect the coach will take flack for including her.
There are a few US women I would like to knock out. Nancy Pelosi are you out there? How about Kamala Harris?
Good riddance. Maybe now I can start to cheer for the USWNT again in these competitions instead of against them. Very glad to see Sweden win. Bye bye Rapinoe, you fame is over and it will be good not seeing you again.
Them getting knocked out is a kin to losing to USF and Jackson state with Urbans’s talent. Should never happen unless the locker room is/was a complete disaster
A bunch of women who utterly despise the U.S. while being hypocritical and taking advantage of the resources, money and fame that comes with representing the U.S. (more support than any other women's soccer players in the world). If they actually had any true conviction they would have done the right thing and resigned from the USWNT. Far more patriotic to cheer against women who despise your country than it is to cheer for them. Anyone who supported this group of women as far as I'm concerned was essentially cheering against the U.S. The USWNT were there for themselves, not the U.S. They represented the name on the back of the jersey, not the country on the front.
I'm a fan of both our men's and women's national teams. No, the women had not played well at all this cup. Got up at 5 to watch today's game. Easily the best they've played, but they still couldn't score. And then they missed 3 PKs in the shootout. It's a shame. Sweden is a very good team but the US outplayed them throughout. But you have to score. No, Rapinoe didn't play well and I was surprised when they put her in. She's had a great career.
I think the first major problem here is determining who it is that gets to decide whether these ladies utterly despise the US. Chances are that they would not word their own feelings that way.
They hate the country so much that they've dedicated their lives to representing it on the world stage. Just because someone doesn't think everything is perfect with the country doesn't mean they hate it.
Well, that isn't true. Sweden is ranked #3 in the world with a history of beating the US and a bunch of players that play for some of the biggest women's clubs in the world (e.g., their GK plays for Chelsea). There are very good teams in the world that aren't the US.
Actions are far louder than words. Their actions tell me all I need to know. There were a couple who looked patriotic (two of the blonde women seemed patriotic) but the rest of the team looked like a bunch of anti-U.S. traitors to me.
No, they dedicated their lives to personal glory and to fame and money. Playing for the U.S. just helped them facilitate that. They hate the U.S. but hypocritically they also know they needed the U.S. There's a big difference between thinking your country isn't perfect and actively hating it. You really think there aren't any issues in any other countries? You think there aren't any issues in Japan? In Brazil? In Sweden? In England? In Germany? Every country has dark periods in its past. Most countries have far more dark periods in their past than the U.S. Every country has things they aren't proud of. And yet all of those countries women put all that aside on the field and sung their anthem and were proud to represent their country. How come all of those women can do that for their country but it's just utterly beyond the U.S. women to do the same? Please tell me why. I'm not saying the women had to act like everything is perfect in the U.S. I don't even care what they say outside the pitch. But when they put on the uniform by God leave the politics in the locker room, put your hand over your heart, sing the National Anthem and play for the country in the front of your jersey, not the name on the back. I think that's an absolutely appropriate expectation when you are representing the entire U.S. in a competition.