I have clearly stated, if you read my posts that if athletes and the role models in our society specifically the black ones would promote the narrative of family, marriage, not having babies out of wedlock, promoting there is 33 forms of birth control before having sex for women, etc. That it would help the issue. It would take a continuous message to help make change to this dilemma. It would help if they came together and promoted the agenda. Instead of promoting, Black Lives Matter and having this plastered on the courts and fields for sporting events. Why not put. Black Fathers Matter or Black Families Matter? This is what is clearly needed in the community. So, I have not skipped how we get there, because I have stated ways what we can do to help. However, you have not, and only want to try to tear my message down on what I’m saying instead of building off it. Which is why nothing ever gets done because that’s what we do is try to tear other people down that’s only trying to help and not play the victim of slavery, and what has happened to black people years ago. I have worked in the community, I worked with the children, I volunteer as a youth advocate, I have adopted families for Christmas for the last six years (And they all are single mother households). So, I see what is missing in these kids lives. Me being a black male. I come in as the first positive black male these children have seen at some ages at all the way to 18. As, I stated with the feminist aspect, with the Great Society, Black Women have valued Education and Careers over Black Men and Families. This has destroyed the black family unit. Studies have shown that black male fathers are the most involved Fathers within any demographic of people. Black women are choosing to be single mothers and raising children on their own which causes a great detriment to our children.
I am not missing any point. Before the Great Society, the majority of Black families were together. They dealt with a lot more than we do today, but we still had families, togetherness, and values as black people. The Great Society and feminist has killed the black community. It was created to keep black men out of the homes. Slavery, Black Codes, Jim Crow, etc. has not done to the black community as what the Great Society has done to community since 1965.
More complaints. Is there a suggestion in there? Like: kid’s pull yourselves out of it! Or signs on a ball field that you suggested above is totally the bees knees. That should really help.
If we really wanted to help we’d sign up for the absolute best education and a care outside the home that a kid could possibly get. Well funded, well staffed, well resourced, and ample opportunities. All those resources would work to lift a larger percentage of kids up.
Answer this question first before you ask me anything again, Who is deciding to be a single a mother in the black community?
B**** I am not on your payroll. Your question isn’t the question. Who is deciding to be the kid of a single parent? That is the question. *I didn’t want to spell out “buddy” for the mods.
I have thought the same thing for years. It is awesome to hear you say this and post it here for the libbies who won’t listen. Maybe they’ll keep an open mind and try to understand you. Thank you for posting this. I believe most people want the best for those who are more unfortunate.
You’re welcome, unfortunately they won’t understand it or listen because they want to keep making excuses for people. Most people do want to help the unfortunate but only see throwing money to the problem as the solution instead of their time.
Nothing like making excuses for kids, right? Still haven’t seen your plan to help people without money or programs outside of telling kids parents to be better parents with soccer field signs. You crack me up.
This is weird because I just finished a video on minimum parking requirements and prioritizing cars for the last 80 years or so like 10 minutes before reading this. You may find in interesting given your post.
Absolutely!! I follow climatetown. If you like him, check out Strong Towns (also on youtube) and Not Just Bikes on youtube. Readily admit that they have influenced my thinking considerably, same time, it just makes so much sense. Like a light went on. Funny, I came about these channels by chance from having gotten back into cycling after being away from it for a decade. I was watching some cycling vids and youtube's algorithm wound up reccing NJB. I clicked on one of his vids and was hooked. This quickly led me to the other two, and to some others. Has me even thinking differently about my own research given the influence on human behavior. Also, I can no longer go by a suburban shopping plaza, likely on a stroad, and the massive parking lots without thinking how stupid and wasteful
Deleted my original response. Needed to think about this some more. Yes, before Great Society, a majority of black families were together. Problem is, the trends in single female headed households and other related trends like out of wedlock births, percent never married, and divorce began increasing prior to Great Society for blacks and whites, but it was considerably more acute in poor black communities. Point being, what you claim as the cause came after the effects, which poses a logical problem in explaining the changing trends before it came into existence. As I mentioned earlier, Great Society was a response to problems that already existed. Is it possible that Great Society had some negative effects on the black and poor communities? Yes, but it wasn't from cash welfare, which decreased in the 1970s and 1980s while rates of out of wedlock births and single-motherhood spiked. If anything, two of the more likely causes are at most only indirectly related to Great Society--public housing complexes--e.g. Cabrini Green in Chicago--that became hotspots for crime, gangs & disorder in cities around the country, and later the war on drugs and subsequent mass incarceration, which made the growing drug crime problem that took off in the 1960s considerably worse, most acutely in poor urban black communities. There is some merit to the feminism argument if because its successes have no doubt contributed to the changing patriarchal social order that dominated the US. Feminists' success rests on a pillar of equal rights and self-determination for women. This has necessarily meant changing social norms and thinking around things like labor, marriage and reproductive rights. The negative consequences as we continue to go through these changes. Some have theorized (quite persuasively imo) that the move away from "shotgun marriage" norms coupled with the rise of reproduction technology (contraception) have had significant negative effects, again felt more profoundly in poor communities. But alas, despite these problems, the feminist movement has exposed the farce of the traditional patriarchal nuclear family as being an ideal--or worse, the only ideal. But this patriarchal ideal rests solely on a self-serving if fictional narrative of inherent male supremacy as the only way for a functional social order to exist.
Presumably this is what Lebron thinks he’s doing or attempting to do with this school. The test scores shows something isn’t working. Unfortunately without having direct knowledge of what goes on in the school, what the qualities of the staff might be, it would just be speculation. We do know these are supposedly the “most” at risk kids. Don’t even know what that means really. How are they classifying “at risk”? Are they ones booted out of previous schools (“at risk” because of their own behaviors)? Or are these younger kids with parents that have drug issues (“at risk” because of their parents and home situation)? I guess if you are sending kids home to that type of environment, that’s a lot to overcome even if the teachers are all pros. Unfortunately a dormitory or “boot camp” type of school might be the only way to truly overcome those sorts of home issues, but then you are opening up different cans of worms and drastically increasing the resources required. Obviously even Lebron is limited to reality on the ground.
Their 3rd grade passing rate was something like 12% the first year so that is what I would say is empirically a 'high risk' group. I stated earlier i dont have a lot of information. I will readily concede this could be a poor execution by the school. However, the best funded schools have the best results and this one outlier doesnt mean investing in the education of children is a bad idea and the only answer is for Kids to go out and find a two parent household as is suggested by others above. I think boarding/boot camp schools might be a good idea in many instances as well. It's probably a wide range of initiatives that is way more important than things like corn and gas subsidies. Someone should really run on an education platform.
I have heard this before but not researched it. If true, it would contradict the argument that Black boys lack a male role model.