I don't want them exterminated, I just want them back on their own ground. Invasion of a sovereign nation cannot stand.
They are on their own ground. Or are you an election denier ? Also, did you staunchly oppose our invasion of sovereign countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, etc. ?
LOL, joke. The USSR fell long ago, my friend. What is it about Trump that makes people so willfully stupid?
Not sure I've seen you much on this thread, but just FYI. Most of us are convinced this guy is an actual Russian Troll. I wouldn't waste much time trying to talk sense to him.
Putin trolls are everywhere! David Wu, ex-Wall Street and IMF strategist, Ph.D. in economics from Columbia University: - I think in a few weeks the Ukrainian counter-offensive will come to naught, and the Russians have already impressed. And it's not that I'm pro-Russian or pro-Ukrainian, I'm a dispassionate observer of what is happening on the battlefield. Russians learn from their mistakes all the time. They have modern weapons: Lancets, Ka-52s, Su-34s, night optics... At the same time, their military technologies make revolutionary leaps forward every three months. They are fighting with what they did not have a year and a half ago. Because back then it just didn't exist. I am impressed. The West is moving around in circles, while Russia is pumping. Ukrainians are excellent fighters, fearless patriots, they sacrifice themselves. But technology will have the last word. I think Russia will eventually crush them. And if Russia crushes Ukraine, it will be the end of American hegemony as we know it. Ukraine: Europe Suffers While US Tries Bringing Down Russia At All Costs- Ex-IMF Economist David Woo
A naturalized German citizen, originally from Ukraine but with Russian sympathies, is suspected of using his job as a parliamentary aide to take bribes from Russia to delay German arms shipments to Ukraine. Maybe once this guy is thrown in jail, Germany will move faster with arms shipments to Ukraine. Aide to German MP worked with Russia to delay tanks for Ukraine, report claims
Surprising that an economist could be so ignorant about his own profession. A smarter economist would know that finance has the last word. As in, Russia is running out of money to finance this war. Once Putin runs out of cash and he starts printing more, inflation will go through the roof and the uprisings will begin. Russia was smart to bail out of their Afghanistan adventure before they ran out of cash, because it made the landing a bit softer. This landing will be a hard one, like 1917 hard.
Any day now Russia’s are going to run out of money and will have to subsist on zoo animals! You just wait!
After a million Ukrainians are killed or maimed and their country left a smoldering heap, this war will end with everyone signing a copy paste document of exactly what Russia asked for before the war. Was it worth it?
The first step is admitting that you have a problem. I'm glad that you have made that first step. Most internet trolls have difficulty with that.
I see a trend … Someone needs a little couch time … https://theweek.com/articles/445615/time-kill-word-troll
Russian sale of refined products is down DRASTICALLY. If nothing else, advance to the "Conclusions" segment.