Thanks for bringing that up. I knew he was younger than his avatar of an old Ray Graves seemingly made him out to be. I thought he was in his early to mid sixties, but not sure.
I came up MIA again this week. Had more problems on the plane trip back from Missouri and ended up with another hospital stay once we got back to Orlando. I think Citizens Memorial Hospital in Bolivar Mo missed something important last week or maybe we picked it up in the hospital or on the plane flights. Seems that not only did I have Congestive Heart Failure and COPD but seems I also had COVID. The oxygen generator and monitor equipment they outfitted me with for the flight home started showing a lack of blood O2 and I was having episodes of confusion on the plane. The stewardess called for medical assistance and luckily there was an EMT on board. They took me to Advent Health in Orlando where I tested positive for COVID along with the other problems. I got released last night and Mrs51 tested positive today. With the heart issues she had earlier this year I'm surprised they haven't sent her into the hospital. I have a close eye on her and we are both on O2 generators at the house. I'm guessing I still have a bit of the COVID in me but I was begging to go home when they finally released me.
I am going to set aside the anger I have at that Missouri Hospital to focus on what is important— your health and your wife’s health. I hope you continue to get well. COVID, Congestive heart failure and COPD at the same time. Wow. Very fortunate you were in a plane when you had that episode because there eeee people there who could help you. The pressure issues may have contributed to your symptoms
Both here before leaving and before Chatter's paywall, that group was endlessly talking about killing anyone who stood in Trump's way. Those kind of threats aren't protected speech.
Thanks. Interesting you would think of that. I forgot that part of the diagnosis at Advent Health Orlando. They did mention the possibility of pneumonia too when the COVID test came back Sunday. I feel pretty lucky. With all that going on could have been a disaster. I'm feeling 100% better now. Mrs51 is struggling.
I looked at it a couple times after someone told me where they went. Those guys really didn’t like me… last time I looked there was a thread titled: the only good thing John Lewis ever did was die. I didn’t bother going back
Having spent years over there, it went from bad before Trump to full fledged chaos and insanity after Trump. I thought this was interesting evidence of how they were eating their own young.
Fun thread that brings back some memories. One poster I’ve been curious about is Oaktown. He’s one of two members I’ve met face to face, but I seem to have lost his contact info. Anyone know what he’s up to? Incidentally, the second poster I’ve met I abandoned this week to a pilgrimage down the rugged streets of brewery town by himself. Fortunately, he seems to have done well, and made it out the other side. Oh I guess I’ve technically met a third member, as we realized some time ago that we were childhood friends.