no, but telling people not to leave their homes and then going out to eat, i believe w/o masks, is libby hypocracy 101
Yes, packing up and selling your home, moving your family across the country. It’s just like a trip to McDonald’s. Brilliant analogy. Makes a lot of f’n sense.
Ha, why? DOA current candidate and not even A perhaps future candidate. I mean I guess they are both thinking the respective nominees could just suddenly die, and that is certainly possible. Otherwise I can’t even imagine a scenario in which any non-superfan would find this compelling.
I would have happily debated the point if you hadn’t added the arrogant and completely unwarranted insult.
Most of the folks leaving California are going to Texas, but that’s likely due to proximity more than anything else. California overall has been bleeding legal residents now for years, running a net negative migration. Florida has been one of the fastest growing populations in the country. It’s not even close when comparing the two. Keep in mind when they talk numbers, they’re including illegals as well.
Indeed using the metric of burgers flipped or dollars earned, McD’s must be considered a champ. I personally think they should be respected in this aspect. It’s less obvious whether we can use this metric to infer that their burgers are the best food or their CEO is the best company head. Both of these outcomes are obviously full of possibly causal confounding factors.
I'm not convinced who moves where is especially relevant. Besides, both states have, or soon will have, some major problems.
As it relates to California, let’s not kid ourselves. It’s a shithole. People hang out at Walmart just to get some air conditioning, because it costs so damn much to cool your home with the insane costs of electricity in CA. Over 50% of homeless individuals in this country live in CA. A third of the welfare recipients in this country live in CA. They have tons of options for climate and terrain, beautiful beaches, but they’re running everybody off. Why is that? Because the government sucks, that’s why.
You do you realize when that word you are struggling to spell gets underlined in red your computer is not congratulating you on your accomplishment, don't you?
Why do you think there are so many of these human beings you apparently frown upon living in California, and what do you suggest California do about the least among us?
Newsome will annihilate him. Desantis is a horrible debater, it’s Newsome’s strength, and the only ones who think he would have a chance of winning are his delusional supporters and followers.
Not likely that either gets a nomination, but it should be good TV. All bets are off. I remember where I was exactly when: The Challenger exploded The Berlin wall started coming down 9/11 Muschamp went facedown in the Georgia Southern game Candidate penis size was raised as an issue in a formal presidential debate I witnessed these live, one on the radio and 4 on television. I'll tune in and see what happens.
Agree. I don't like either, but I've heard both talk off the cuff enough to know that Newsome will wipe the floor. Newsome could win a debate against most any politician.
They can keep over half the country's homeless population. They are the model for us all on how to handle that crisis. So far Newsom is really disrupting government. "Pitch a tent." Who woulda thought??
I just contacted DeSantis to let him know. The debate is off. He's sending you a yard sign as thanks.