Ned Flanders is the overly nice "hi diddly do neighborino!" Christianity on his sleeve pastor like boy scout troop leader character. It was a jab at you being overtly Christian--or rather, boy scoutish-- and more importantly, overly conciliatory for his taste. That's why I said soon as it became apparent that O&Bluke wasn't a Trump supporter, he'd turn on him like a rabid pit bull.
Well, as far as I know, he ain't dead. Go to chatter, pay their fee (political forum was put behind paywall shortly around Jan 6), introduce yourself... Tell'em I referred you. Let us know how it goes.
Basically trying to hide open racism and hatred for everyone they disagree with from the public. "Un-moderated":eyeroll:
Sorry for laughing, but that shit was kinda' funny. That said, upon recollection, triplG was on his own there. Iirc no one had his back on his personal vendetta against you. Kinda like "if you don't hate who I hate, you're my enemy," instead of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."
I never really picked up on that, though I also didn't spend a whole lotta time there. I think my post count there never even eclipsed 200. But I think the paywall thing was grounded in fear of the feds, and their handling of Jan 6. ....which regardless of what anyone thinks of our fellow American and Gator counterparts at 'chatter, is a sad commentary on freedom of speech in our country. No way should any group feel fear of persecution for political speech in the US. But that's where we are.
Yeah. Many of those posters were people I agreed with on many things and they did call him out for his weird freak out about a message board poster who he never met.
Ironically him and I used to get along. I have PMs dating way back. Not sure what made him turn so weird towards so many. Probably a decent dude that has had some life experience that turned him cold towards those he doesnt agree with. At the end of the day, I dont know the guy outside of black and white writings on a message board or two.
Hah! We had a poster who had a habit of quoting Shab's posts with "More Shabareehea from Shabadoo" in big pink letters. One night, he must have gone through 10 pages of threads and done that with every Shab post he could find. The first page of the forum was nothing but his pink letters. You're not from Texas, are you?