It seems like I season those words with new felony charges each time I look at the news. I don't think there is much of a chance that Donald Trump, the suspected rapist and known insurrectionist, to mention two of his lifestyle choices, could get elected president again. He's carried his wealth and fame about as far as he possibly could. He not only failed as president the first time around, but he had to start lying and committing felonies to try to cover up his incompetence and try to remain president (or dictator). There are still enough republicans left with enough sense of dignity, self-respect, and honor (something our draft-dodging, soldier-bashing ex-president knows nothing about) that Trump will be un-electable in 2024. Yes, there are a lot of brain-damaged people in American today, but 50.1%? No way. A number of his supporters who were "there for him" on January 6th will be in prison for their crimes on that day, and will probably have bigger concerns than voting on election day next year, like remembering not to drop the soap in the shower.
as an airline guy a pilot can go from PIC in one plane to PIC in another and had never flown it before. Changing types is relatively easy. The lifetime of experience prior makes a huge difference Vs a green bean.
Gotta wonder.....why does >1/2 the country favor this alleged *criminal* over THE POTUS??? Is it an AL Capone thing? Jesse James, Billy the Kid, Bonnie n Clyde? I mean, America does like her bad boy criminals every now and then. But do YOU really think that's what's going on? Why does your loathed criminal iincrease in popularity with every indictment? Hmmmmmm.....
It could very well be political problem, but whatever the reason is, our training and equipment isn't translating to success. Whoever told them to telegraph the entire event should be fired.
In a perfect world, you may have a valid point, but as I said above, for whatever reason, our training and equipment isn't translating on the ground. So why would I ever assume they will somehow miraculously turn out highly skilled aviators who can penetrate Russian defenses? Fool me once...
In a vacuum, sure, but this is Ukraine and Victoria Nuland is calling the shots there. So I am viewing things in that light. We can't really compare that to real life, because we've never been in this situation before.
I believe Biden could be bed-ridden and comatose and still win an election over Trump in Trump's current state of disgrace. Of course, if Trump is convicted on even one felony charge before the election, then he won't be on the ballot, and it won't matter how popular he thinks he is. And if you really believe that over half of America supports Trump, why don't you show off some recent polls that prove it?
Here's what I believe is motivating Trump's increase in popularity with each indictment: Not Capone, James, B&C.... not 'the Godfather' ...but rather... King George. IOW, it's not about love for Trump, but disdain for abusive tyranny and disgust with "King George"--which in our day, is the Establishment. Y'all knock Fox and the GOP for covering Biden when these indictments drop -- --yet you're too naive and insulated to realize the timing has been dictated by relevations of Biden corruption each time. Regular folks are catching on. At this drip drip drip rate, your comatose drooling empty suit clown buffon won't even be able to keep himself on the ticket. Perhaps not even himself, out of jail. Revenge's a bitch. And of course, "no one's above the law." Right?
This thread is about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Surely, there are dozens of other domestic political threads in which to discuss Trump.
Nice video of Ukrainian drone taking out Russian ship in its port far from conflict. They’re sitting ducks. Russian ship hit in Novorossiysk, Black Sea drone attack, Ukraine sources say
Could you keep your inanities to the relevant thread(s) where we can just scroll by instead of polluting this one. Thanks in advance!
It has long been said that there are two types of ships, submarines and targets. This is the USS John Burke being taken out by a kamikaze (probably just a teenager) in perhaps the largest non-nuclear explosion in the history of warfare …
Off topic, but have you noticed how often someone's confidence discussing a topic is so well matched by their ignorance?
Or, and hear me out, regular folks are so bored that they crave entertainment and search the web for “interesting” topics. They find them in alt-right conspiracy nonsense, and soon find themselves deep in a rabbit hole of contrivances that they buy into. There’s a reason that the “deep state” is discussed only in certain “publications,” and not discussed in the mainstream.
Sure. Publications like Gateway, and your incessant Russian propaganda, is the Pravda for you people.
AWESOME!!!! You proved mine, as well. Some people choose to believe demonstrably false and contrived information. There’s a damn good reason filth like Gateway is rated “Unreliable” by neutral organizations.