In which you admit to the board you’re trolling but no one including mods care, because your abject self humiliation is sufficiently entertaining. The clown show continues. But it’s running out of steam…
The media absolutely failed at telling the “truth”. While truth is most often black and white, the media’s reporting is most often opinion. That’s why is important to report/know the facts. Those media outlets that tried to report some facts often left out some facts too. This was typically intentional to meet an agenda.
Antifa is a small, disorganized group of anti-fascists with minimal impact nationally. They are nothing more than a right-wing boogeyman.
they didn’t just try, they succeeded. They just weren’t good enough. The ruling was handed down by Judge Terry Doughty in a lawsuit brought by the of Louisiana and the attorney general of Missouri, as well as a number of individuals who had questioned the government's handling of the crisis. Judge Doughty said that the evidence before him demonstrated "the most massive attack against free speech in United States' history," and the plaintiffs had proven that "the government has used its power to silence the opposition." As a result, Judge Doughty has banned the Biden administration—specifically the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Homeland Security and its Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation—from communicating with social media companies for "the purpose of urging, encouraging, pressuring, or inducing in any manner the removal, deletion, suppression, or reduction of content containing protected free speech." Finally a Judge Stands Up to Biden's Abuse of Power & Suppression of Speech
Antifa is an organized group of fascist who are so cowardly that they refuse to show their faces. Their acts are not random, they are organized. They use violence and intimidation as a political tool, and for those few who have actual jobs, most make shity, overpriced coffee.
likewise, if your own perception is through partisan glasses, and your only criticism is against those whom you oppose, how are you ever going to learn the truth?
I was wrong the clown show is reinvigorated. It’s an impressive display of speed and volume given the one hand typing.
There was a whole impeachment covering this. Anyway, he wasnt charged with a crime by the justice department. He was impeached by elected officials whose goal was to protect the constitution. His political supporters in congress were not convinced his brazen disregard for the law would have any negative consequences for them and thus didnt vote him out. That was proven to be a betrayal of their duties as seen by the results of their willful ignorance on Jan 6. Impeachment was a political misstep by the democrats in my estimation but they put the constitution above the political ramifications. Proud of them.
Welp, this thread started with a dystopian premise, but somehow managed to devolve further into absurdity over 513 posts. Congrats to the editors of publications like Gateway for somehow convincing otherwise seemingly intelligent people into buying into filth and lies.
Again, to what end? Or is the goal of this ‘organization’ just chaos for chaos’ sake? And because ….?
Not really sure what you’re asking here. Do I believe Antifa hopes to take control? Of course they hope to take control. I’m not aware of a single political organization that doesn’t hope to gain control. Do I think they have any chance of taking control? None whatsoever. There are more one legged Pirates in the United States then there are ANTIFA members. They don’t have the members, or the support of enough people to fill up the Swap on game-day. It doesn’t mean they’re not dangerous. Remember, a couple of dudes with box cutters brought down the world trade centers. They are very good at instigating violence and mayhem. They suck at making coffee.
This is turning sad. Traumatic brain injuries aren’t something to laugh at. I’m sorry for doing so…. Kidding!!!