Reminds me of a friend that used to refer to all maga supporters as redcoats after a bunch wore red to a council meeting.
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So the OP assumes a lot. First, that 80% of 60million people own guns AND would use them. Second, that liberals and independents along with moderate republicans do not own guns. If any of this happened in Fl, would they all be within their rights to kill each other? Whooot whoot! I would like to know the names of the organizers of Antifa. Who is running this like the Proud Boys are being run? I guess anyone who just opposes trumph is a member of antifa. Read: Antifa (United States) - Wikipedia Also, trumph doesn't tell people outright what to do. He talks in such a way to a follower so that the words themselves don't instruct anything, but the meaning is there for the follower to see. Michael Coen articulated this in many interviews. He is smart that way so one could interpret what he says as something that can be taken different ways. Think passive aggressive. The poor property manager of Mara Lago fell for this and now is stuck since trumph is paying for his lawyer. He got them riled up with his false claims of a stolen election. He claimed Pence could send the votes back to the states. Has any of his followers taken a civics class? The states didn't want to "revote", they verified their votes, some twice. He knew what he was doing to their minds that day. It's what he's been doing for decades. He is dangerous to our country and our democracy.
Well I guess it's time for UFlawyer and his MAGA rebels to start their civil war.
You think the idea of Americans committing violence on other Americans is something to be snarky about? Unbelievable.
This thread could be one of the greatest selfings in THFSG history. This guy is on par with LouisvilleGator.
what is your point? The irony in calling out a bunch of want to be intellectuals, who joined a violent fascist group under the guise of being “anti fascist?” ….. all in post denouncing violence.
63% of Americans polled think Biden should be removed from office if he was bribed. Not 63% of Americans think Biden was bribed, but instead, they were asked if Biden was proven to have accepted bribe money, should he be removed from office. Only 63% of the American public said yes. What does that say about the other 37%? It is highly likely that the same 37% want Trump thrown into prison without Trump being proven of any crime (as of today). I find it fascinating that the focus of the story is how Biden may be in trouble with 63% of Americans polled saying he should be removed from office, if proven to be guilty of bribery. 15% of Republicans! Why isn’t the store that 37% of Americans are dumb and brain dead! If He Was Bribed, Biden Must Go, Majority Says: I&I/TIPP Poll
LOL. I have actually never stepped foot in a Starbucks other than to meet clients on a few occasions. I don’t like the smell of burnt coffee.
Fair point. The government(s) placed Americans under house arrest, in 2020, and Americans said, “Oh, okay. Tell us when we can come out.”
I did not assume anything. You don’t know what that word means. I don’t assume 48 million Republicans would use guns to start violence. But a large portion will use them to defend themselves. Do you know any liberals who own guns, and most importantly train with them to be able to use them? Statistically most liberals want to ban some/most/all guns. I realize many liberals are hypocrites, but in the civil war which would likely arise, the liberals will be out muscled by an astronomical number so you want me to name the leader of the fascist cowards who wear masks to their mini insurrections. Are you suggesting ANTIFA does exist….and that is your argument ? LMFAO. If you must have a leader I will go with Joe Biden. Prove me wrong. “if you like your health care plan, you can keep it” African Native and former POTUS Barack Obama “And Corn Pop was a bad dude….'you may cut me man, but I'm gonna wrap this chain around your head.'" President Joe Biden So let’s imprison all the politicians who have allegedly made false claims for political purposes.