This is why I always vehemently disagreed with the lockdowns: Klaus Schwab’s Daughter: 'Permanent Climate Lockdowns Coming – Whether You Like It or Not' - The People's Voice Covid was the test run to see how far we would let them push us before we would push back. And sadly they've realized they can push pretty far. I'll gladly take freedom over safety but many Americans, even the majority, will take safety over freedom. Of course they ignore history that when they make that choice they will absolutely get neither. Lockdowns, wherever they were implemented during Covid (since Florida was only semi locked down for about 2 months), were largely ineffective. But it gave world governments a taste of unlimited unchallenged power. They are now going to use these lockdowns or threats of lockdowns whenever they deem something to be an "emergency". I definitely see them declaring a climate "emergency" at some point in the next 10 years.
Just curious, after I finished laughing at the source, and scoffing at its little "fact checked" link at the top, I read the entire story. No where in there did I read where Schwab said that lockdowns are coming. However, I admit that I have missed stuff before, so could you highlight her quote stating that so I can read it in context? Thanks in advance.
The internet allows any random person to write an article even if it's as bad as the one that OP posted
LOL at the folks that don't believe the govt would consider some sort of idiotic lock down scheme due to a 'climate emergency.' And if not I'd say where the hell have you been for the past couple of years. About 60 congressional Democrats recently backed legislation known as the "Climate Emergency Act of 2021," sponsored by Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.), that would require the Biden administration to make a climate-related emergency declaration.
So you suppose they are going to declare a climate emergency just to make people stay inside ... for what reason exactly?
You guys dog on the OP as fantasy and then laugh at the govt actually pushing to issue a climate emergency?
This was helpful. I’ve seen a lot of downpours where various sheeple went inside, obviously into manipulated world government lockdown. Now I know what is really going on.
Please explain where in the bill is a push for a climate lockdown. I look forward to you moving the goalpost
Don't remember them needing a special laws or emergency powers to impose all those COVID restrictions, that's the funniest part about this paranoia lol. The government has those powers already!
They actually did pass laws like The Covid Emergency Act to underscore their resolve. And here in NC they arrested peaceful protesters on the grounds that they were spreading the virus. I could go on …
Presumably to use more A/C and exacerbate the climate crisis, allowing for even more climate lockdowns!
Again, the government doesn't need a special law to declare an unlawful assembly and disperse/arrest protestors lol, they just make up a curfew or arbitrary violation of the peace and enforce it. The government already has the power to do all the things this paranoia encompasses.