Has anyone read anywhere what happen? I'm not implying he had anything to do with the chef's death, but some odd coincidences and seeing if anyone had read anything about this? I can't find much other than conspiracy stuff and not trying to push that, just wondering if anyone else has seen anything. https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=e18a...tZmluZ2Vycy1kYXktYWZ0ZXItY2hlZi1kaWVkLw&ntb=1
This is how rw bat-shit conspiracies start. Today: Not saying he's guilty of anything, just asking questions. Tomorrow: Obama def guilty of murder.
So, the former Presidents shows up with a black eye and tape/Band-Aid on his fingers and you are not interested in what caused it? Doesn't he have 24hr SS? It is fact he had a black eye, and something wrapped on his fingers, I'm asking does anyone know what happened?
So fingers and a "possible" black eye constitute "covered in cuts and bruises"? News Addicts seems like a site more likely to give my computer a virus than actually give me news. When my side of the aisle stops glorifying Trump, I might.... MIGHT... start listening to what we say about the kettle having a black eye. Really sick of this strategy. @dangolegators poll numbers in the other thread have me over it man.
I’m not an Obama supporter. Accidents happen. I don’t need every detail of every public figures life. Speculating on it is nothing more than hoping to find him guilty of something or to embarrass him. He’s not a sitting president or running for office. I don’t care if Bush has a dotted eye or bandaged fingers. More than likely it’s something innocent. Like taking an elbow in a basketball game or something.
Some golfers wrap their fingers. You can clearly see Obama also did that in these pictures from 2021. I mean, how dumb would he have to be to hurt himself murdering somebody and go out and have pictures taken of his injuries when he could have stayed inside or put on a second glove? Obama golfs with his buddies hours before 60th birthday bash
No fan of Obama politically; but, when the OP starts "I'm not saying he had anything to do with...." then why post? In fact, why comment? Done.
Perhaps OP genuinely wanted to know what the board had read and hear their thoughts on it. I hadn’t heard anything about this story so I was curious.
It would make an exhilerating made for TV movie - Ex prez whacks chef! Just got to find a reason - wings too hot maybe? Michelle wasn't slippin was she?
The conspiracy theory I saw was that Obama and the chef had a lovers' quarrel. Theories involving gay sex seem to be their version of Occam's razor. Just waiting for Elon to boost this one like he did with the Paul Pelosi story.
You just posted proof that Obama has murdered before. Just look it up, I bet someone died on Martha's Vinyard before this '21 round and now we know who did it.
The search for Campbell began on Sunday after a fellow paddleboarder observed him dip into the water, reappear briefly, struggling to stay on the surface, then submerge entirely, according to a police statement. https://www.npr.org/2023/07/25/1189911880/obama-chef-drown-marthas-vineyard