An actual plausible defense might be how can a guy that can’t read even know he has sensitive material.
I literally have no idea what MAGA is supposed to mean in the context you are using it. It is an acronym for Make America Great Again. I know Trump used it as a campaign slogan in 2016, but he doesn't own the concept of wanting America to be great. Am I supposed to be insulted by my wish that I want America to be great? (If so, aren't you saying you don't want America to be great?) Do I salute you or shake your hand? What do you mean to convey when you throw out that accronym?
The same way a dude without an actual original thought can type crap on the internet....just watch CNN and repeat like a sheep.
Speaking for only myself it’s a reference to low IQ, easily lead, un-American bigots plus a view other nasty adjectives.
I mean to convey you are a boot-licking Trump cultist who doesn't think for himself when I throw out that acronym.
Boot licking? Is Trump a cowboy in your sexual fantasies? You have a very angry and hateful tone directed to 2 people you have never met. All because you use words you don’t understand and then when called out for it you feel so inferior morally, intellectually and/or sexually ( I can feel your sexual frustration with the boot licking fetish) that you attack like a caged rat. I’m sending hugs, but nothing more because I don’t go that way. Sorry.
Sure that’s the ticket. Everyone is laughing at you dude. It’s a bad look and biggest self own I’ve seen here. I’m calling BS on the UF part too. Too immature for a graduate.
Hey you asked what I meant so I told you. Don't ask a question if you think the answer might hurt your feelings.
I am so happy you never tire of whooping the libbies up. They seem so upset that there’s a new sheriff in town.
Here’s what I’m thinking guys - we can just have all the democrats wear blue and all the republicans wear red and that way they know which ones to shoot.