Who would name their daughter Navy? Hunter may have denied being the father because he assumed that the father was a sailor.
Your tilting at windmills. I never said Biden's character was impeccable or referenced his moral compass. I just said "good for him, long overdue" relative to the acknowledgment of his 7th grandchild. Not sure why you feel compelled to continue making a "lack of character" response to my prior posts, as even people with poor character can do the right thing every once in a while. And Biden finally did the right thing here, for whatever reason.
If paternity was still in dispute, I can see why Biden wouldn't have publicly acknowledged her as his granddaughter.
Either way, it's a difficult subject in a family, for grandparents to acknowledge a grandkid that the son doesn't want to acknowledge.
Not sure why you feel compelled to say "good for him" as if he deserves a cookie and a pat on the head for being a good boy, because he finally acknowledged the existence of his granddaughter.
I hope that if my family ever has to deal with a situation like this, that it doesn't play out on the national news.
Same. Back in 2018, I found out that I have a half-brother who is seven years older than me. My mother had him in 1962 at age 19, and out of wedlock. She was forced to give him up by her parents. My mother's brothers and sisters knew. My father knew and my older sister knew (she was told once when we were teens). My mother was deathly afraid to tell me despite us being extremely close. Anyway, my sister wound up finding him after a dna test through ancestry.com, eventually leading to him connecting with her and our fam. But what an absolute nightmare it was for my mother for the first two years. Fifty-six years of keeping this secret, never once discussed with even her closest sister was suddenly out there in the open and there was no way to stop it or her to control it. This rocked my mother's world, turned it inside-out with 56 years of guilt and shame piled on by embarrassment and more shame and it just kept cascading day after day. She's since gotten through it and my brother is a happy part of our family, embraced by all. But wow, how much torment and trauma involved. Could not imagine we were in the public eye. Just staggeringly difficult already.
You would need national news coverage to pressure you into owning your own flesh n blood kin--a grandchild no less??? Pathetic.
For all of the dimwits here trying to bash Joe over this, there are considerations that ham n' Eggers like you will never understand. For instance, the potential security issues for this girl and her family. Those are things that would have to be worked out before bringing her into the family--especially in this world of ultraviolet, psychotic Trumpers.