someone needs to turn your lightbulb on Champ. I don’t declare him innocent before trial, our criminal Justice system does. Until the State proves otherwise, you just need to stock up on the tissues. hugs, not drugs.
The state has him dead to rights, something anyone who has looked at the details would know. But you stick with, "orange man is my Jesus" and see where this takes you.
the state has everyone dead to rights, until the Defendant fight back at trial. Until then, Trump is innocent and your previous post chastising me for stating the obvious was wrong. Do you have something to say?
You responded to that post already, and it bothered you so little…that 10 mins later…after thinking about it and gnashing your teeth, you came back again to tell me how little you were bothered. That’s about as convincing as your OP.
Legally Trump is innocent until a jury returns a guilty verdict or hypothetically he pleads guilty to one or more of the charges against him (in reality that's never going to happen). Based on virtually all of the facts that have been made public he is as guilty as hell with respect to the mishandling of classified documents and even more so with the obstruction of justice charges and his best bets as far as the Federal charges are concerned is either a hung jury and/or an electoral victory by the Donald himself or another Republican.
Holy crap, we should just dispense with the whole trial thingamajigy. By the way, when did you speak to his attorney to see what evidence he has? I’m just curious, because that typically doesn’t get disclosed until trial.
Too funny. I guess you just don't know the facts of the classified documents case. Trial is set for May 2024. Read up on it before then so you at least know what is going on. And try to be objective about it, though I don't think that is possible for you. And to answer your thread title question again, no, we are not being pushed into another civil war. Our legal system is doing what it is supposed to do. And MAGA whackos, you included, are losing their minds.
so many errors in your post, but you just repeat the same old wrong boring stuff from the other Orange Man Bad circus posters here. So if you want to eat dinner with the big boys (1) show up on time and (2) bring something new with you rather than relying on the other garbage appetizers.
Bro he never voted for trump. He just spends his days licking Trump’s boots on political message boards.
That he says trump is unequivocally innocent of any crime is all you need to know. That's just weird. But he's a member of the cult so that's the kind of stuff he's going to say.
So you think that Trump and his attorneys will pull an OJ? Maybe there is a evidence that Trump himself wasn't responsible for the mishandling of the documents and that it really was the fault of his employees or that he was unaware that the documents were classified and/or contained sensitive information? You think it will turn out that there is evidence that Trump wasn't "the boss" referenced in the conversations between his employees? Whether you're willing to admit it or not Trump's best bet is that a least one of the jurors is a hardcore member of the Cult of the Donald that he will be saved at least temporarily by jury nullification. Restating my previous post although Trump is technically not guilty of any crimes at this point in time based on the evidence that's been disclosed so far it's reasonable to infer that all of the allegations against him are factually accurate. The weakest case against Trump is Alvin Bragg's hush money case and in my opinion he should have probably never been indicted. Other than that case he is deep excrement. Although off-topic for this thread, I guess under your standard Hunter Biden isn't guilty of any crimes either since the proposed plea bargain fell through and he hasn't been convicted of any the alleged crimes.
Maybe at the trial Trump's attorneys should have Trump try on a pair of gloves that are too small for him and say 'If it doesn't fit, you must acquit'. That might be Trump's best defense because he doesn't have much else to go on. Though it might be hard to find gloves small enough to be too small for Trump's hands.
The only crime I can say for sure that Hunter Biden is guilty of is the crime of being an a-hole father. All the other stuff, he’s the same as Trump. As for your understanding of our legal system, I think it would have a ton of merit if we were living in North Korea, China, or the former Soviet Union. Here, our criminal justice system doesn’t allow your warped sense of justice into play. Could Trump get a fair trial with you on the Jury? Of course not. 30+ years as a lawyer and I can spot your type from a mile away. You want everyone you don’t like to be found guilty in the eyes of public opinion, without evidence or trial, but when it’s your turn to be in the box, with the light shining on you, you sing a completely different tune. Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. Luckily for you there are a lot of people like me out there who will defend your right to a fair and impartial adjudication of any charge or claim made against you, regardless of the nonsense that leaves your lips today. God Bless America.
Get it right buddy. I didn’t say unequivocally innocent, I said absolutely and unequivocally innocent. What you find weird … us Americans call Truth, Justice and the American way. Your local community college may offer courses in American civics…..I suggest you sign up before you post on this subject again.